
Friday, October 1, 2010

I know this is not a weather blog...

...but it's 34 with the humidex today. October 1st. That is INSANE. {weather rant over...for now...} Seriously, I feel like all I think about is weather lately!

Tomorrow is World Card Making Day (yippee!) so I am planning to participate in my first "blog hop" - wish me luck! We'll see if I can figure out how to do it. (And Rob just walked past, read what I had written, and snorted quite loud. It's a real occasion, sponsored by Paper Crafts Magazine - honest to peanuts. (Boys! Harumph!) {What is with all the ellipses & asides? I don't know.}

Supplies: Paper by K&Co; buttons from stash & Basic Grey;
sentiment stamp from TAC; Colorbox chalk ink & clear embossing powder;
fairy artwork from a Michael's $spot card
See you tomorrow!!!

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