
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

#150 - Blog Candy!!

I know, I've been teasing about it for ages, but it's finally here. This is my first time offering blog candy, but watching loads of other bloggers do it, I've figured out a few things that I like about it, and a few things I dislike.

I like: fun free stuff. Duh! I like seeing regular commenters win.

I dislike: having to follow 4 million rules: "You must be a follower. You must leave a comment 149 characters long, in iambic pentameter. You must post about the blog candy on your blog, and then post on my blog to tell me you posted on your blog. And don't forget to tell your Facebook friends, none of whom craft or actually care....."

Don't get me wrong. I'm beyond excited that people choose to follow my blog. I feel pretty humbled by it that you like what you see enough to come back regularly. I just don't think the lure of blog candy should be what makes you decide to follow - it should be my sparkling wit & awesomeness, right? {snort}

So here's the thing. I would like to enter all comments for the month of June (1-30) into the draw. HOWEVER, each person must enter ON THIS POST to have their other comments included. That's it. Comment away. Make sure that you have either signed in, or leave some way to contact you (email, blog address).

You do not have to become a follower. However, since I do appreciate those of you who have chosen to follow me, followers get double entries. (Each comment earns 2 'names in the hat.')

So, here is what I consider the "base" blog candy. Depending on the number of entries, I have a little stash of favourite things that I'd like to add. However, I have a question for you to answer when you enter: should it all go into one big pot, or should I create a second prize package? (If we get up to 30 entries, I will edit this post to reflect the added prizes and whether or not it will be 1 or 2 winners.)

The whole prize

Package of 60 cardstock & acetate die-cuts from K&Co (Susan Winget)

6x6 package of Bo Bunny "Blast Off" papers

Brand new Distress Ink (Antique Linen) and three Sakura pens:
Stardust (clear glitter), clear glaze, black glaze

one package each of adhesive pearls and rhinestones

crocheted-by-me scalloped mats - two of each colour
I'll also toss in 5 metres each of the threads I used (white and bamboo) and
matching plain cardstock circles for matting (not pictured)
This blog candy is open to anyone, anywhere. I will draw the winner's name on Canada Day, July 1st, with the incredibly scientific and random method of, seriously, names in a hat. Well, maybe a bowl. And the kids will pull the winner (s).

Thanks so much for sticking around to read the whole thing - and thanks for coming to visit. I enjoy reading each and every comment, and visiting so many of your blogs. Good luck!



  1. Hi Jessie! I already follow your blog. :) I'm going to post this on Facebook since I think you should have more follower than you do. :)

    I think adding more winners is fun since then another person gets to be happy about winning. Just be careful about adding too many though, shipping to a bunch of different people is expensive.

  2. Hi Jessi--your blog candy looks terrific!! Your hand-crocheted scalloped mats are incredible. How fun those would be! Although it would be fun to have more than one winner, I'd also say consider making it easy on yourself and keep postage costs down.

    Have fun with your blog candy!!!

  3. Awwww...Jessi! Love the blog candy--especially the crocheted mats (wow!). Thanks for the sweet comments. :)

  4. Congrats on the big 1-5-0! :)

    I say the more winners, the merrier. :)

  5. Totally exciting!! I'll bet you had fun putting all this wonderful candy together, it's fantastic (especially those crocheted mats)! Congrats on your 150th blog!

  6. I applaud your approach on followers. It's so refreshing to know that followers enjoy the blog rather than following merely for the giveaway.

    agree with what ashley said about shipping multiple packages

  7. Jessi, I had such a good time reading this post - I had to laugh out loud! Your list of things you dislike about blog candies is too funny!!! :-)
    And I´m of the same opinion!
    So, thanks for the chance to get all these yummy goodies!
    Have a great weekend!
    Ulina (new follower)

  8. I fully agree with Sandy on the approach of being a follower.

    Fully agree with Meg as well that the more winner the merrier it is! thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Thanks for commenting on my Trigger Tuesday card. Of course, I always like to win things - and your prize package makes me think of a lot of fun cards I could make. I agree with those who said more winners is more fun - but also keeping your postage costs down - so go with whatever you like.

  10. Jessi, you are a hoot!! I took the time to peek around your blog too. I don't like following blogs just for candy either...I just wanted to comment on your crocheted scalloped mats. Those are awesome!! I would love to buy some from you - they are just yummy!!

  11. those crocheted mats are BRILLIANT! i just followed you this morning, thanks for commenting on my Tuesday TRigger post


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