
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Proud as a Peacock!

Supplies: white cardstock;
peacock die cut & paper scrap from K & Co;
miscellaneous rhinestones

That's a lot of rhinestones...

Really, what else could I title this post?

I tried a few times to use this enormous peacock on top of patterned paper from the same K&Co collection, but it never seemed to work. Finally I decided to go glam & let him strut his stuff with lots of bling on a white background, and yeah! That's what he was waiting for. I used the illustration as a guide for where to place the rhinestones, using the 'eyes' of the feathers, and one last turquoise gem for his eye.

And, that's about that. Just hanging out doing family stuff the last few days, which is nice for a change. Day camp starts next week, and until then we're pretty free & easy-going. DEFINITELY an improvement over last week!



  1. That is alot of rhinestones, but totally worth it! Isn't he just gorgeous!!

  2. Now this is beautiful! Love the rhinestones. I love peacocks. Next to giraffes these are my favorite animals.

    Your comments on my blog brightened my day!

    Have a good one, friend.

  3. Beautiful! You should be proud as a... well, you know. Ha.

    lisa a.

  4. WOW, WOW, WOW!! Jessi, this is amazing!! I never would have thought to bling him up like that, but you are absolutely right--that was the perfect way to go. Things are a little better this week. Thanks for asking!!! Glad you are having time to just veg. :)

  5. Yes, this proud peacock definitely needs a white background so he strut freely...I love all the bling you added! Someone will definitely feel special when they get this card. I'm glad this week is going better for you!

  6. Jessi, this is gorgeous! I love the bling and it's perfect on white. I hope you have a relaxing week ahead!


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