
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rainbow Bright - A Tuesday Trigger

With a name like that, how could I neglect to make something for this week's Tuesday Trigger at Moxie Fab World? My oldest son loves anything and everything rainbow - he colours most of his drawings with rainbow stripes, does lettering in rainbow colours, flies a rainbow flag in his bedroom, wears a rainbow scarf in the winter, and we've even painted the wall of his bedroom in vertical rainbow stripes. Rainbows rock.

(via Pinterest)

Given the (admittedly awesome but) non-traditional rainbow colours in the inspiration photo, knowing Connor's insistence on proper ROYGBIV protocol, I drew my inspiration primarily from the name of this week's Trigger. A few weeks ago, Jill Foster of Inspired By showcased a fantastic creation by Amy Wanford done with rainbow cardstock. Jill made her card by using Distress Inks, and I did the same with mine.

Supplies: white & black cardstock;
Distress Inks: Fired Brick, Spiced Marmalade, Mustard Seed, Peeled Paint,
Tumbled Glass, Dusty Concord;
Palette Noir ink; Versamark; white EP;
stamps: floral silhouette from Digital Princess, branch from Inkadinkado,
'thanks' & mesh texture from Studio G, butterfly from Martha Stewart;
black Sharpie for faux-matting
The rainbow inking was done with sponges, and instead of adding texture with water I used a texture stamp inked up in the coordinating inks. Once I was happy with how I'd stamped the silhouettes, I trimmed the panel to be slightly smaller than my card base, and ran a black Sharpie along the edges as a faux mat. The whole panel is then mounted on the card base with foam tape, as is the black oval mat. So, a CASE of a CASE for an Inspiration Challenge ;)
Now off to see what everyone else is making!!



  1. This is beautiful, Jessi! I love your rainbow stripes, and the silhouettes are so clear and black. Perfect!

  2. the background looks gorgeous and the black stamp really stands out!!

  3. I love this....the black really pops! ;)

  4. So pretty! Gorgeous colors and the black just pops!

  5. This is really really pretty! I love it!

  6. Hey Jessi! Thanks for linking this up to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)

  7. What a beautiful gradient background!

  8. Wow! Jessie, this is simply stunning!! Here's to crafty magpies ;)

  9. This is gorgeous, Jessi! I love your take on the trigger. One of these days, I'm going to try distressing something like this. ;)

  10. Gosh, this is so lovely, I love the inked BG and the silhouette image in black... Thanks for the link to kids' activities, I really appreciate it! Have a super day:)

  11. What a gorgeous take on the challenge! LOVE your ink background and stunning silhouette!!

  12. What a LOVELY background and silhouette idea. Fabulously done.

    lisa a.

  13. Definitely a beautiful rainbow card and love the silhoutte, Jessie!

  14. Fabulous inking!! Love the black stamping over your beautiful rainbow...the addition of the white sentiment really pops :)

  15. Awesome card! I especially like the mesh texture (gives it that extra sumfin-sumfin). And how clever to use the sharpie as a mat. Hope you're having a good week! JJ

  16. Very beautiful and artistic. Love the design. :)

  17. Jessi, this card is awesome. I love how you did the background coloring - very impressive.

  18. Beautiful rainbow card, Jessi! Love how you stamped along the edge and the matching oval black cardstock!


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