
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

If you're the right age (ahem) you'll remember Ren and Stimpy. Every time I see this stamp, I hear it in their voices - but besides that, I think it makes a super all-occasions-for-congratulations sentiment.
This week Lucy is hosting a rainbow challenge - and all week I knew I wanted to play. Finally yesterday I got the chance to get inky for it, and whoa, inky is an understatement. First, the card:
Supplies: Memento Tuxedo Black ink; Palette Noir re-inker;
stamps from: Daisy Bucket, Cornish Heritage Farms, Digital Princess, Martha Stewart;
assorted rainbow gemstones;
Distress inks: fired brick, spiced marmalade, mustard seed, peeled paint, broken china, dusty concord

trying to capture some of the sparkle!
So, here's how it went. I thought 'hey, I've sponged these rainbows before, maybe I should try using the brayer.' Yeah, not so much. I just haven't invested the time to practice, so I didn't like how it was turning out. Then I decided to do direct-to-paper, which was a little tricky keeping the stripes narrow enough, but OK. And now, the messy part. I wanted the colours to be more muted, so I sprayed the paper generously with water. Really generously. And then I thought, since I sprayed so much water I wouldn't get the 'flicked' look with the distress inks, I'd use black ink. I grabbed an old toothbrush and an ink pad, and went to it. First ink pad, too dry. Second ink pad, still too dry - so I grabbed the re-inker. Heh. I went to town splattering, dripping re-inker right into the bristles, and letting loose.

Of course I'd laid newspaper down first - I'm not totally foolish. But I didn't take into account the, um, REACH of toothbrush spatter. And of course, I didn't notice right away that what I was doing was coating a good portion of the kitchen table, floor, dog dishes, microwave stand, etc, with fine black ink spatters. And my shirt. And my hand - of course the hand I was using, but the other hand, both arms, and even my face. It turns out that although Palette does wash up, with elbow grease, it doesn't come off skin all that easily if you've been bathing in it. Good to know.

Anyway, head on over & see what everyone else has linked up, because rainbows rule :)

Back to washing up...


  1. Jessi - this is stunning. Wow - how fabulous. Love the stamping. Amazingly done!!

  2. Wow, this is amazing! I love the rainbow (I can't brayer either) and the splattering and the gems and the silhouette...I love it all! Glad the ink come out.:)

  3. Ah, man, I wish Nick would start showing Ren & Stimpy again!

    Totally laughing with (not at!) you about the splatter effects all over your kitchen and yourself. Definitely something I would do!

    Love the final effect and I think the brayering looks great.

  4. Wow - this is gorgeous. So striking. Thanks for playing along. Your rainbow is beautiful.

  5. Oh yeah - I'm totally the age for Ren and Stimpy! Gotta love the theme tune AND this sentiment :)
    A gorgeous rainbow card and I love that you stamped on the envie too!

  6. You are so funny, Jessi! Your story tickled me and you did a great job on this card after going thru all the hassle!

  7. Hi Jessi! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my blog today, you made my day! I love your rainbow card, those colours really blended perfectly and I love the nature scene you created!

  8. Hi Jessi,

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog!! I really appreciate them and, of course I gotta take a look at your rainbow as well and I totally love it!! It's gorgeous with the black stamping scene over it!!! What a great card and I love it that you made a matching envelope!! Gorgeous!!

    Hugs, Wendy

  9. Your card turned out VERY beautiful! Love all that bling you added!!
    Thanks for your nice comment!

  10. I don't know who Ren and Stimpy are but I love your card and thought I was the only person with that phrase in my head. LOL I also laughed at your story about the mess BUT this card was totally worth it. It's gorgeous, Jessi!

  11. Your background is fabulous!! Love everything about it! Another great card Jessi!

  12. Great job on the rainbow challenge!!!!


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