
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sparkly Mermaid!

Things have been crazy-busy around here - appointments, back-to-school prep, the total life takeover of adjusting to having a dog, plus doing fun stuff...I'm wiped! But, before I go any further, some huge news:

I got my learner's license!

OK, so you are probably thinking I'm pretty old to be getting around to this, and you're right. I lived in Vancouver as a teenager, and you just don't really need a car. Moving to this little place, with the weather we have, sometimes walking is really not a practical option. And unfortunately, for years I've let the little naysayer voice in my head tell me I couldn't learn how to drive. Well, forget THAT. You can't learn if you don't even try. 

Friday we spent the day in Prince Edward Island, watching the Gold Cup Parade in Charlottetown, and then spending the rest of the day at Shining Waters (water park), and Sandpit (amusement park). I think I'm still tired just thinking about it. I'm also fighting off some strange problem in my ankle - at the water park I got a bug bite of some kind on my ankle, which by Saturday afternoon was extremely swollen & painful, and infected. It's definitely better than it was, but for several days I couldn't walk the dog - Connor took up the slack, but he wasn't happy about it, especially in the pouring rain! Anyway, now it looks like an aging bruise, and back to the normal walking & biking routine so far today hasn't aggravated it too much. I'm definitely keeping an eye on it - no doctor's appointments are available even to book for a month, and I'd rather not go to the emergency room, but I will if I have to. 

Supplies: paper from My Mind's Eye;
mermaid sticker from PSX;
assorted gemstones; glitter glue

trying to capture some of the glitter...
I still lament that PSX went out of business. I love their stickers, and hoard the few I have left. I painted the mermaid's tail with some iridescent sparkle glue, after using up some odds & ends of blue & green gemstones.  The gemstone circle was made by first lightly tracing the Nestie size I wanted, then carefully cursing & swearing while I adhered the border-style rhinestone strip on a curve. Ahem. Wee bit harder than I anticipated.  The sticker on the envelope is another from the same sheet.

It's the last week of day camp, culminating in a day-long trip to the beach on Friday, the county fairs in the area are going strong, my lawn needs to be mowed reeeeeally badly, and the mosquitoes are plenty enough to carry away small children (and get stuck all through my hair, ewwww.) Yep, it's definitely August. Boy, do I ever love September :)



  1. Oh, I know what you mean about PSX! I still use their embossing powders after all these years. :)

    Your card is beautiful! I love the bling around your mermaid.

    A huge congrats on the learner's permit! I can tell you what it's like to get my driver's license at 28. That's what living in a big city does to you! LOL

    Hope your ankle is better. :)

  2. Sorry I haven't been around, but somehow your blog hasn't been updating in my reader... hmmmm.
    This mermaid is super cute floating on those MME polka dots, but the bling circle is the total highlight, Love it!

  3. WOW!! Love your card. Sorry I had to laugh about the getting the gems down. I tried once and got so mad that I tossed it all in the trash. Beautifully done!

    Congrats on your driver's license. I'd be lost without mine. I need to renew mine this year - eek I amost forgot.

  4. yay, congrats on your learner's permit! Awesome.

    And you pretty card is just lovely. LOVE all the sparkle.

  5. 1) OOH SHINY!! Love the rhinestone circle on the card; it was well worth the trouble!

    2) OOH OUCH!!! Hope that ankle gets better! For the love of all that is holy, don't try googling "infected bug bite." Take this from someone who has had bad poison ivy. The images will be burned into your brain.

    3) OOOH YOU GO GIRL! I'm so proud of you for going ahead and getting your license! It's so hard to admit you don't know how to do something, but it's so awesome when you choose to something about it! Good luck with the lessons!

  6. Yeah for you for getting your learner's permit! I had *lots* of students (in their 20s) who had never gotten their licenses because they had lived in the city. Hopefully it's not too scary!

    Yikes about your foot. Hope it's okay! And a water park and and amusement park in one day--crazy!

    Love the bling on the card. I can't believe the blingy frame isn't a circle-sticker. That's creative how you did it! The sticker is awesome.

  7. Moz are a problem here too. Look after that ankle and take care driving.


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