
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Belated Mail from Friends

We all know which road is paved with good intentions, right? So I had intended to get this post up on Monday, and then we had a health emergency with Riley (who will be fine!) that required 3 hours in the emergency room, and more tests the next day, and so this waited. And then, I got more mail from friends (holy cow!) so then I was thinking I'd wait until I got those things photographed...and then realized that at this rate, I'm never going to get it up on the dang blog. So think of this as part one, part two to follow (hopefully!) on the weekend.

The awesome cards I'm going to share today came from Emily Keaton and Meg Craig, both such talented women, and lovely people to boot. First up, Meg, who blogged about this amazing telephone card here...and you know, I wonder if Lindsay ended up with her Angry Birds card yet? Look at the amazing detail in this telephone - and, Meg used her metallic red paper. That makes me special :)

Something that Meg & I have in common is our adorable dogs - Addy & Abby. They're both dorgs...a term coined by Mr. Corgi that really, describes these pups to a tee. 

Tee-hee ;)

And from Emily, a card that made me cry.

Emily sent this card after I shared my friend's diagnosis with cancer, with a beautiful note inside. I can't tell you how many times I've read her letter & felt the hug from miles away.

Let's end on a fun note, at the circus!
Look at the cool headpiece on the elephant! It was hard to capture, but the teardrop centrepiece is a super-sparkly gemstone. I love the folded back tent flap, and the baker's twine banner!

I hope that you enjoyed a peek at some of the mail I've been lucky to receive - and there's more :) It's hard not to get overwhelmed at this time of year, and I can feel myself teetering on that tightrope of freaking out over how many days are left until Christmas. {deep breaths, kiddo}

Back soon!


  1. These are fabulous! I remember drooling over that phone card - so cool. And the dorg card is brilliant!

    And thanks for the Moxie Fab congrats! :)

  2. {blushing} Aw, Jessi, you are super sweet. Thanks for your kind words and the fame associated with being featured on your blog!! Meg's cards are brilliant--as always, right? She is such a talented lady and another mathypi like me!!

    OK, now, no more of that teetering--everything will be fine!! Sending you more hugs--and maybe some Bailey's spiked cocoa? Although, that had better wait a few more hours, right?

    Have a great day! You've already made mine. :D

  3. fabulous raks from some wonderful friends. so glad you shared. hugs.

  4. Awww! Lovely and adorable cards that you received, Jessi! Your friends are so lucky to have you!

  5. BEAUTIFUL and totally awesome cards from both Meg and Emily! You are a lucky lady, Jessi. I know the amazingness of receiving work from both those ladies!


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