
Friday, December 23, 2011

The last of the Christmas least I think so!

Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my homesick post...and that's all I want to say about that.    (Tips hat to Forrest Gump)

I have one custom card to finish for tomorrow - I've had about 3 false starts so far, since I've made many cards for the recipient, and I'm trying to get it just right. I'm happy with all the 'rejects,' they just didn't make the cut to have the name on them. I cleansed my crafty palate by making a birthday card, and once I'm done posting I'll be heading back to the desk to see what I can come up with. 

Supplies: papers from My Mind's Eye;
standard circle Nesties;
rub-on greeting from Melissa Frances (from Barbles!);
pearls & black rhinestones from dollar store;
snowflake quilled by me

Supplies: Papers from My Mind's Eye;
standard circle Nesties;
rub-on greeting from Making Memories (from Barbles!)
red pearls & rhinestones from dollar store;
wreath quilled by me (two layers)

Supplies: Papers from My Mind's Eye;
standard  & lacey circle Nesties;
rub-on greeting from Making Memories (from Barbles!)
white pearls from dollar store;
poinsettia quilled by me (two layers)

Supplies: papers from Prima "North Country;"
standard circle Nesties;
white pearls from dollar store;
poinsettia quilled by me (two layers)

Supplies: papers from My Mind's Eye;
standard & lacey circle Nesties;
snowflake quilled by me (one layer)

Supplies: paper from My Mind's Eye;
white pearls from dollar store;
snowflake quilled by me (one layer)

Supplies: paper from Simple Stories;
letter stickers from Basic Grey;
Sakura Clear Glaze pen (on letters);
snowflakes quilled by me

Supplies: papers from Best Creations;
sentiment from Inkadinkado; versamark & pirate gold EP;
white pearls from dollar store;
snowflake quilled by me
The forecast has been changed - we were supposed to get 5 centimetres of flurries today, but now the DJ is reporting 10 cm on the way. White Christmas? Thank goodness. Not enough to impact travel safety (at least once it's done falling today) but enough to cover up the muddy brown ground, and the weather will hover under zero for at least the next few days so that it will stay around. Score! 

I don't know that I'll blog again before Christmas, so let me take this chance to wish every one stopping by a Merry Christmas - and since today is Festivus, please feel free to air your grievances below. 



  1. Very pretty, I especially love that first one! You finished all now? I love making christmas cards by hand, but after 65 you do get tired of it, ha ha! Wishing you and your family lovely days!!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  2. Wow, these are stunning, Jessi! I was often intrigued by quilling! You have shown some beautiful examples here! I just sent you an e-mail about the digital PC subscription. Hope you enjoy!Merry Christmas!

  3. These are spectacular Jessi!
    You make the most amazing quilled cards! Merry Christmas (Have a fun day)!

  4. BEAUTIFUL quilling - wonderful cards!! I'm just so amazed at your creativity and productivity. WOW!!!
    Merry Christmas wishes / Karin


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