
Friday, December 9, 2011


I'm in a mild panic getting ready for Sackville's 2nd Midnight Madness tonight (if you're local, I'll be set up in the Bridge Street Cafe - come say hi!) but wanted to pop in to let you all know how much I appreciate each & every one of the supportive comments you left about Connor's school situation. In a very strange twist, the meeting was productive. I'm still a little in shock, to be honest. It is really unfortunate that the difficulties he was having were allowed to snowball before coming together, but I'm confident that we're all on the same page now. Some of the things that fell through the cracks were completely crazy, though. Ugh. Anyway, onward & upward. Hurdle climbed, and luckily I get the impression that Connor's gotten all these people to adore him - he can be such a charming little bum, which is a good thing to remember when he's busy acting like a snotty teenager.
Anyhow, here's some fun snowman cards to look at - I'm not going to post supplies, since I'm pressed for time today, but if there's anything you're coveting or curious about just let me know in the comments!

close-up of the 'snow' - it's craft glitter snow paint, smeared onto glossy cardstock &
then ripped to make the snowdrifts without causing the finished card to wrinkle 



  1. Jessi, your snowmen are absolutely adorable!!! I love each one--they are all so different. So VERY glad to hear that Connor's school meeting went well. I was thinking of you this week! I'm really glad that you were finding that people are really on his side. Yay!! I hope that things become smoother for all of you now. Good luck at Midnight Madness tonight--I hope you sell out and have fun, too!! Sending hugs and warm wishes. :D

  2. You have been very very busy, Jessi! Love all your cute snowmen cards especially the first one. I am admiring of how you did the snow effect!

    Good luck with your midnight madness and have lots of fun!

    So glad to hear that things turned out well with the meeting of Connor!

  3. You really have an impressive snowman collection! LOL! I love how you created the snow on the first card - it's an awesome effect! And my favourite snowman has to be the tall skinny on - he's so cool looking!

  4. These are super cute Jessi! Love the effect of the glitter snow smeared on the cardstock!
    Glad your meeting went well.

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  6. Oh, all those snowmen are so cute--love your little snowdrift trick, too.

    Most importantly, glad to hear the meeting got the ball rolling in the right direction! I hope that means the second semester will be much better!

  7. a snowmen card storm! i love each and every single one!!!

  8. Oh my! What a cavalcade of fun this!

  9. Hi Jessi!

    Ha ha, so many snowman cards with you here!! Love them! I think snowmen have the ability to make you smile instantly!! So, you can really imagine me sitting here smiling at your post here, hi hi! My fave is that first one, the snow you created there on the bottom looks gorgeous! Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    Hugs, Wendy

    P.S. Hope your friend is doing okay now, for whom you chose the PS 'Hope' stamp set!!!

  10. What a fabulous array of snowmen. I totally love all of them. Great collection lady.

  11. Ack, these snowmen cards are so cute, Jessi! I love each and every one. I've been meaning to try using chipboard but I don't have any! LOL I guess I should make an effort to get some. They look like so much fun to play with!


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