
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Embellished Frame with OCC

As soon as I saw the Embellished Frame challenge at Our Creative Corner, I knew exactly what I wanted to do - a Father's Day card with quilling. Not something I usually do, since most of my quilling is very girly & flowery, but check it out! I think it worked:
Supplies: papers from Basic Grey "Oxford;"
standard oval Nesties;
sentiment from ditto;
Versamark, Palette Noir ink, black EP

The oval piece is mounted using a double layer of foam tape - it lays flush with
the quilled frame
The Embellished Frame Challenge is open until Friday night. 
Today we're off for a fun-filled (sarcasm alert!) sixth grade field trip. It's like herding sarcastic and mouthy cats. Part of the trip should be interesting - we'll be visiting the recently built wind farm, and should get a chance to ask some of the questions that Rob & I ask each other every time we drive by it. I seem to be the designated question-asker on these trips - but you know what, if I'm a chaperone, I may as well learn something at the same time.
I also realized that I hadn't shared pictures from Connor's art show last week! His seventh grade class has been learning screen printing - the display items on paper, and they've designed their own t-shirts as well. Check out my favourites:
Thirteen year olds. That is all. (His BISON print is directly to the right of his annoyed shoulder)


Giant anteater (I sense an animal trend....)
Thanks for letting me share :) Connor absolutely loves to draw and create, and I know he'll love hearing what you think :) 


  1. You've got yourself one spectacular artist there...awesome work Connor!

    You should be a proud momma:) love the commentary:)

    that quilled frame is WOW....spectacular card!

  2. Connor is very talented...his art is amazing...

    Your card is so awesome...I love how you quilled the frame...very clever and fun..

  3. Connor's artwork is amazing!! I love the animal theme, and that anteater is totally cool.

    I often refer to keeping any children in line as "herding cats" but your description of leading 6th graders as "herding sarcastic and mouthy cats" had me rolling on the floor laughing!! SO apt. :)

    LOVE your masculine quilling on this card. Such a cool frame!

  4. Amazing art work!! Esp Connor's!!! :) And i love the the quilled card!!!

  5. Your frame looks wonderful with all the quilled roses.
    Thank you so much for joining us this week at Our Creative Corner, we are so pleased to see your work.

  6. Yep, your photos totally remind me of my days teaching intermediates. :D
    The card? Perfect! I've never seen such masculine quilling.

  7. the quilled frame is just FAB! thanks for sharing Connor's wonderful art, he's so very talented!

  8. Oooooh...I love the quilled frame...adds such amazing texture! :)

    Great job Connor! You're so talented...just like your mommy! :)

  9. Connor is so talented - just like his mom!

    How fun to see the contrast of using the feminine pp but for masculine card, Jessi! You could enter this card for Ca-Sual Friday challenge!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. OMG! Your son is cracking me up and I so see what I have to look forward too because I already have a mouthy little one and I see the transition that lies ahead with more annoyed attitude/hormones! His work is amazing! Hope you survived the field trip!

    I love love love your quilling just how do you have time for this again???? AMAZING lady! That is one awesome framed image!

    Sorry, forgot to fix my typo~ :-) The one time auto correct doesn't work.

  12. Wonderful card - I love the quilled frame.

    I also enjoyed your son's screen painting. 13 year old boys are fun aren't they?

  13. Wow...this is such a gorgeous frame with beautiful quilled roses.
    Beautiful card! Thank you for joining us at Our Creative Corner.

  14. That quilled frame is amazing. Love it!

    And connor's face is priceless!

  15. Yup - the frame totally works. Very cool idea. :)

    Diggin' Connor screen prints especially the armadillo. Also impressed at how far up the little dude can roll his eyes! LOL!

  16. Awesome way to add quilling to a guys it.

    Connors artwork is amazing, screen printing is such fun and he's got the perfect teenager pose too.
    My fave is the giant anteater?.. The tail and snout are spot on, well done Connor :0)
    Jenny x


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