
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Crocheted Blankets

I did manage to get some pictures of the blankets I've made since Christmas yesterday, with the traditional pet-related scuffle surrounding it. My fault: I used a chair, and basically made a fort. Irresistible, I know. My mojo is back in full force, so I imagine crochet will take a backseat now that I'm actually making cards again. I confirmed with Rob last night - that was the longest mojo-block I've had since I started making cards. I was starting to worry :(

This is the one I just finished - a small afghan, or 'lap-ghan,' which is a lavender colour in an open lacy pattern - so light & really girly. It measures about 50x62 inches.

The blue/green baby blanket is my go-to baby blanket pattern - a soft ripple done up fast in double crochet. I've seriously lost track of how many blankets I've made with that adapted pattern (the original calls for single crochet). This time around it measures 30x34 inches. 

The pink? I made it up. I winged it. (Wung it?) and just went for it. It's also done in double crochet (back post double crochet) - and a cool 'third try's a charm' ruffly border:

Now to go back & count the stitches so that I can write up the pattern for it! It is a smaller blanket at 24x32 inches, but could easily be adapted to a larger size.

Yesterday I got a whole bunch of cards made for a whole bunch of challenges - so I'll be back as soon as I get THOSE photos edited. Sheesh but it's good to be back :)



  1. A woman of so many talents...I love your blankets. I want to take up crocheting!

  2. These are beautiful, Jessi!!! Learning to crochet is on my list of things to do before I die! :)

  3. Wow - Very pretty afghans! You crochet beautifully. The biggest thing I've ever made is a hat and I'm working on a purse (since last February, but who is counting the months?) I would love to make an afghan, but they are too big and scary!

  4. You're so talented! These are so pretty! (Love the pup too!)

  5. Wowzer, these are beautiful! Pffft, why write down how you made the pink one, that'll take all the fun out of it next time! ;)

  6. WOW! All the blankets are so beautiful crocheted, Jessi!

  7. so much talent in one little woman! i love these...and abby too :)

  8. Welcome back, Jessi's mojo!! Your blankets are STUNNING!! thanksfor sharing :). Can't wait to see the new batch of cards you made, too!

  9. These are gorgeous!! Okay, so when I get around to coming up to the frozen tundra to visit you then you must teach me how to crochet! Love the ruffles on the third one and Abby looks so thankful for the new blanket you made for her! LOL!

  10. Amazing crocheting, Jessi! I wish I had your talent!


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