
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Drunken Stampers #121 - Mr & Mrs Smith

Thanks :)

Check it out - the Drunken Stampers are going all 'intrigue' on you this week!

As with each of the Drunken Stampers challenges this term, create a project inspired by the movie itself OR by the related theme given! Since I haven't seen the movie (and I tried - Netflix doesn't have it currently, and neither do any of the OnDemand channels we subscribe to...booooo) I went with "spy." That led me to this sweet image from Mo Manning that I've had for AGES but never used:

Supplies: digi image by Mo Manning; Spectrum Noir, Bic, and Sharpie markers; Bo Bunny paper; AC Thickers; 1/2" square punch for banner notches

The sentiment is actually the name of the file on my computer - and the OOPS came from Connor. I had the rest of the card assembled & wanted to put *something* up at the top, and upon looking at it, turning his head to the side, and 'hmmmm'-ing he decreed it should be OOPS. Done. 

We've got so many cool ideas to share with you - and can't wait to see what you come up with. Our linky will be open until next Friday night, April 5th. Check out what the rest of the Midnight Margaritas made:

Now to go & take some pictures of what else I've been up to - see you tomorrow :D


  1. Giggle, giggle, giggle...this card makes me chuckle. What an adorable image (reminds me of my grandsons) and the sentiment is PERFECT. Great color palette.

  2. Wow love the bright colors. Great CAS card.

  3. Love the big OOPS! Nice colouring too especially the little highlights on the jacket. :)

  4. Great idea Connor for the OOPS!
    Love that design paper and your colouring as always is awesome (possum) LOL

  5. Connor is BRILLIANT! Love your card Jessi! I like how you kept it grays and white with that pop of color with the red and blue. Fabulous!

  6. Fantastic spy card, Jessi! Great idea from Connor too with the OOPS!

  7. FABULOUS!!! I love this...perfect take on the challenge :)

  8. Love it. I'm going to feature it on my Manly Monday post. Great work.

  9. LOVE it, I've got this image and haven't coloured it for ages, he really is adorable in his red and blue hat lol.

  10. I think Connor got it just right! Fun card and works so well with the theme!

  11. Love this idea as a belated birthday card... the big oops just finishes it perfectly :0)
    jenny x


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