
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter at little red wagon

little red wagon is hosting an Easter challenge this week - and conveniently, I've been making Easter cards! Here are a couple:

Supplies: pretty much unknown! If anyone knows where this cute digi bunny is from (the file name didn't say) please let me know! And the papers are all scraps. The digi sentiment is from Pink Cat Studio!

Supplies: image from Stampavie; Memento Tuxedo Black ink; sentiment from Inkadinkado; washi tape from We R Memory Keepers; Stampendous Yellow Fun Flock; Spectrum Noir markers

Spectrum Noir markers. The pastel collection. Source of great joy to me this week as I play around with them & realize ZOMG ALCOHOL MARKERS are as AWESOME as everyone says! And 24 markers will of course not be sufficient as I keep playing...but they blend well with Sharpies & Bics, and we shall get along swimmingly. *happy sigh*

I also promised my husband that when I blogged I would share his comment about this chickie:
"Why is its butt in front?"
Cannot unsee it, can ya?
Oh well. I think it's cute anyway, and it's a chubby fuzzy belly. Let's go with that :)


  1. Such sweet and funny cards! Love the coloring! That ducklet is so cute!! I do hope spring will be coming soon, we are having temps below zero still... Ai ai, with Easter just around the corner, we could have snow then...
    Hugs, Wendy

  2. Cute cute cards Jessi, love that sweet chick and I can see what your husband means!!

  3. LOL ... yes, your husband changed the way I saw that little chick!! These two cards are SOO cute. Love them.

  4. Awesome easter cards!! I love the little bunny!!! I have pretty much skipped easter have gone one to mothers day!! lol

  5. Aww adorable Easter cards...that bunny is so cute..

  6. Yes, it's a chubby fuzzy belly. I'll go with that ;). Love how fuzzy that chickie is, for sure!

  7. Both of these are so cute, even with the disturbing chick anatomy suggestion! That bunny could be Bugaboo or Dustin Pike, maybe???

  8. Husbands...gotta love 'em :) Your cards are so cute and adorable. I still love the chick too, in spite of its potential anatomical problems.

    Hugs, Dawn

  9. Adorable easter cards and love the chubby chick!

  10. So flippin' cute, Jessi! I have to say if I modeled as a little chickie, my butt would look like it was in front, too! In fact, my DS once made a comment about someone's "front butt" that made me LOL. I've never forgotten it b/c really, there isn't a better name for it, is there? (Fortunately for him, he called it that wrt to another person, not me, hence he is still alive today!!

  11. These are totally sweet Jessie, gorgeous cards. Thanks for joining us this week over at LRW.

  12. So so cute, your colouring is amazing!

  13. I can barely type this for laughing at your husband's comment. I actually had a similar thought when I first saw it! Even so, it's an adorable image and both your Easter cards are as cute as they can be! :)

  14. They are both cute and yes your hubby does have a point but did he not make a comment about the rabbit and his heart shaped fig leaf??!!!
    Jenny x

  15. LOL! Darn him!! Now it looks like a head spinning demon chickie!

    At least he left the poor bunny alone and didn't mention the heart placement...


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