
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jingle Belles Neutral Noel - and blog candy winner!

I'm getting the hang of playing along with the jingle belles - although I must say, leaving Christmas things out all year has put a bit of a cramp in my storage system (nonexistent, *koff koff*). It's totally going to be worth it come fall when I realize how far ahead I am! Yay! This time around we're playing with neutral colours only - I've gone with grey & white:

Supplies: paper from Memory Box; sentiment from PTI; Grey Flannel Memento ink; pearls from Dollarama; snowflake quilled by me

This snowflakey paper is actually out of a spring-ish package from Memory Box, but it just says snow to me. You've got until next Wednesday, March 27 (!) to play along. 

And, a winner for the crocheted mats blog candy - Therese, of lostinpaper!! Oh em gee, Therese, I cannot wait to see what you get up to with them :) Email me at onecraftymama AT hotmail DOT com to let me know your preferences for colours & sizes! 

Don't fret if you didn't win - because there just might be another opportunity headed your way next week (squee! Super excited about THAT!)

Now back to the regularly scheduled spring card making....with 15 cm of snow outside. Freshly fallen. Kids on a snow day today. Somehow, even though it happens every year, it always comes as a shock to the system to get these storms in March!



  1. Beautiful snowflake and a beautiful card. Love the white and gray together.

  2. LOVE this quilled snowflake, Jessi! It's so hard to imagine having snow this time of year. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday packing all my DD's winter clothes up to give away. Stay warm!

  3. wow your quilling is just gorgeous.. I love this card so elegant..

  4. Yippeee, how exciting Jessi, I've admired these for sooo long. I promise to try not to hoard them (but you know what us crafter's are like gotta keep for that 'special' occasion lol).

  5. Very pretty! Perfect way to use neutrals but still make a really striking card.

  6. Love this card... The quilling is amazing!

  7. We got several cm of snow yesterday! :) I absolutely LOVE it!!
    Beautiful card!! Your quilling is amazing and the snowflake shape is wonderful!!

  8. Beautiful! Happily we have escaped getting snow this year (so far).

  9. Wow ... gorgeous quilling ... and I agree that paper is the perfect *snowy* backdrop ... so very glad to have you join us at jingle belles.

  10. Girl back that truck up....this is awesome! You blow me away every stinkin' time! Wow girl! I am at a loss for words!

  11. Shut the front door! Your quilling ROCKS Jessi! This card is A.MAZ.ING!!! Now you are really making me want to try this out!

  12. How nice to see your quiling again, Jessi! This is elegant.

  13. Your quilling is THE best! I do hope you are submitting to CardMaker in that category. ;)

  14. gorgeous quilling...and an overall beautiful card!

  15. so lovely! Your quilling is just gorgeous! Thank you so much for playing my prompt at Jingle Belles:)

  16. Wonderful quilled snowflake & I love the neutral color scheme!

  17. ooooooooooooooh!!! quilled snowflake!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥ lemme know when there is some blog candy for those babies, k??!?! :) :) :) can't believe that's not intentionally xmas paper b/c YEAH... it's TOTALLY snowflakes!!!!!!!!!!!! absolutely loving the soft grey with the white, it's incredibly elegant and those PEARLS are rockin' my world! ♥

    ps: ta for the subtle (!) date (!) reminder (!) made me LITERALLY lol, this am!!! ♥

  18. Love the quilling and the neutral colours for a crimbo card.
    I hear you about the room for Christmas stash.... Mine rarely gets out at Christmas either because I buy new stamps when the time comes!!!!
    Jenny x

  19. Gorgeous snowflake and I love the way you've placed the pearls. And that paper definitely screams "Snow"!


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