
Friday, March 29, 2013

Playing in Paradise #110 - Embellishments!

Now here's a challenge that was fun to play! Nina is our hostess  at Playing in Paradise this week, and she wants us to
PPC #110

Love that little ladybug :) I thought I would try NOT using buttons and see what happened:

Supplies: kraft & chocolate brown card stock; scrap of vellum; rub-ons from Bo Bunny; trim from Webster's Pages; birthday sentiment from Mrs. Grossman's

Vellum being the tricky creature that it is, I kept the piece of vellum much longer than it shows - it extends all the way underneath the brown trim. I used Scor-Tape to adhere the vellum (just one long strip on the left), then more Scor-Tape on top to adhere the brown trim, and another to adhere the aqua. I am continually impressed by how well Scor-Tape holds trims - and yet is forgiving enough to let them go if you happen to need to tweak it a little bit. 

This challenge will be open until next Thursday, April 4th.  To add your NEW project to the linky & see what the rest of  the team has created, click on over to the Scrapbooker's Paradise blog, and check out the DT on their blogs too:

I will likely be back later on today - I've got lots of Easter cards to share before Easter! I'll leave you with a picture of Abby last night after a good hard play in the backyard...she was due for a bath anyway, and I figured she may as well enjoy herself beforehand!

It's a little muddy out there...


  1. Ok so Abby's not a girly girl!!

    Love an embellishing challenge! :-). Love the Pom Pom trim!!! Pretty papers too!!

  2. wow very very that fun ribbon you used and how you added the sentiment...

    I see Abby loved her play time.. she was going to make you work for that bath...hehe.. so cute.

  3. Lovely card, Jessi! Great mix of embellishments and love the turqoise trim and the bling bling!

  4. Abby looks very happy and contented after her play in the mud! LOL.

    I love the embellishments that you added to that pretty PP. They are perfect! Scor-Tape really IS the best isn't it!

    I also peeked at your post below and that embossed silhouette is GORGEOUS!

  5. Love your colorful card, and your muddy puppy photo. How nice she sits for a photo too. Thanks for all you do on this team. Keep smiling and creating.

  6. This is beautiful, Jessi. Love those trims and pretty paper. Abby looks like she is ready for more lol.

    Hugs, Dawn

  7. I love the funky colours and the doodly swirls, are they a stamp or a paper?
    thanks for your comment on my blog, I think most people will have at least one cat that could be called Spesh. x

  8. Beautiful colours together, yep vellum is one tricky customer...always seems we try and disguise it on our cards so we can stick the darn thing down invisibly !!!
    Urrghh what a mucky pup..... Think how much fun the boys would have out there *wink*
    Jenny x

  9. Those trims are so cool! Can't decide if I like the aqua one or the sparkly one better... They look really cool together!
    Abby looks so pleased with herself! LOL! Just like Atticus when he rolls in the garden AFTER his bath...

  10. beautiful colors...and gorgeous trims! abby's so sweet. love her mud happy smile :)

  11. Fabulous Jessi, it's the torn vellum sentiment that I adore, and the trim, and the sparkle... maybe, it's everything lol!

  12. What a great combination of colours! And thanks for the reminder that I have those birthday sticker sentiments, too. :D

  13. Beautiful card Jessi, that ribbon is stunning and I love the torn Vellum.


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