
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Shopping our Stash #92 - Border Punches

Border punches. That's right, for Shopping our Stash this week, we want you to pull out your oldest border punch and use it. Or, use one you haven't used in a while. Or, if you're me, finally learn how to use the one that someone gave you after looking at it wistfully for months....(thank you Barb!) For the punch-challenged, like myself, I found this video to be incredibly clear, and I sort of feel like I should have been able to figure it out on my own....but I couldn't. Anyway, even though now I know what to do to get a long border, I ended up only using a small one on my card:

Supplies: so. much. stash....printed acetate butterfly from K&Co; papers from Bo Bunny; seam binding from....not sure; Martha Stewart butterfly edge punch; teal rhinestones; stick pins made with ancient beads from my stash & Mod Podge Dimensional Magic; an eyelet (!); Corner Chomper

I cut the tag out of a coordinating piece of paper, and rounded the top corners & added an eyelet to tie the seam binding through. (I know!). This butterfly edge punch alternates part-and completely- punched butterflies - the ones that stay attached I lifted up the wings for a bit more dimension, and I used the 'extras' as more embellishments. 

I'm hoping to get my hands on some corsage pins - these pearl-topped quilting pins are just not quite long enough for a lot of the beads in my stash. I have a funny feeling, though, that if I start being able to make loads of these pins, that I'm going to start adding to that bead stash again....uh-oh!

So, how did everyone else use their border punches? How will you use yours? Go check out the rest of the design team's projects, and leave them a little love! This Shopping our Stash challenge is open until Monday March 11th.  



  1. Such a girlie delicate card!

  2. aww this is gorgeous.. I love that butterfly and the fun embellishments...just so pretty..

  3. oh my gosh, this is LUSCIOUS, i could totally eat it with a spoon!!! (ok, mebbe not the beads!!!) :) :) :) serious ♥GORGEOUSNESS♥ up in here! (& actually i LOVE that both you and paige used only ONE border repeat... & used to to highlight the focal pt of your card... which i had NEVER thought of, but of course will totally steal NOW, so ta v much!!!) :) :) :)

  4. Stunning, Jessi...this is just a breath of fresh the delicate quality!

  5. Beautiful card and the pp are just so lovely! Love your handmade corsage pins!

  6. Oh my this is so gorgeous! So delicate and girly girl! Love it! That border is beautiful!!!

  7. Mama Mia!!!! Jessi, this is STUNNING!!!!! So gorgeous!

  8. It´s an incredibly wonderful card!
    Very well done, Jessi!!

  9. Such vintage goodness here, jessi! i love all the stash goodies you included. Beautiful!

  10. I'm chuckling picturing you trying to figure out your border punch! :P This particular one is quite awesome with the punched and partially-cut butterflies. And the whole card is so soft and pretty!

  11. I love all these butterflies and how cute is that border punch!

  12. absolutely gorgeous- love the butterfly and all the different elements....fabulous!

  13. This is beautiful!! That's a great border punch!!

  14. Wow Jessi what a gorgeous card! And you used an eyelet! Holy crap! Love those little butterflies with the bling bodies - so cool!

  15. This is very pretty! That butterfly is so cool!

  16. Oeh, love this one, Jessi! The colors are so nice and soft and it feels lovely dreamy because of all the gorgeous butterflies! Very, very nice!!!
    Hugs, Wendy

  17. Fantastic card, Jessi. The pins are a perfect embellishment to those delicate butterflies. Love the ribbon and the touches of bling.

  18. Stunning! This Bo Bunny line is one of my all time favourites.


  19. Gorgeous frufru card! LOL! Lovely border, never seen one like that. Very springy card!

  20. This is lovely! So ethereal and serene. I adore the various butterflies...and they flow perfectly!

  21. This is so pretty! I love the acetate butterfly, the bow and the border punch! That is a great punch, I've never seen it before. Great card!


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