
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday Morning Sketches #189 - My Creative Classroom!

*hack*cough*sputter* I'm terribly behind in visiting blogland - I hope to catch up by the end of the week, but this cough is kicking my butt. Ugh! I promise I'll get there eventually :)

This week's Tuesday Morning Sketch is designed by Bonnie, and it's a JUDGED CHALLENGE week, which means you need to use the sketch AND the twist to be eligible for our handpicked winner & top 5! The twist is - MONOCHROMATIC GREEN. Couldn't be more perfect with St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Spring on the way for the Northern hemisphere :)

The lucky hand-picked winner will win a class of their choice from My Creative Classroom, which has over 100 to pick from! Woot!

Last week my teammate Debbie shared some new designs featuring Doodle Pantry digis, and I had to run over right away & get them. In fact, I also bought the set that she's using on her card for this challenge ;)

Supplies: papers from Pink Paislee; digi image (pre-coloured) and sentiment from Doodle Pantry; button from stash; classic small oval Nesties; Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. 

I had to gloss up the eggshell and beak - I find even with pre-coloured digis I still like to add a little something to make it my own :)

Here's Bonnie's sketch:

 This sketch is open until next Sunday, March 17th. Check out all the other designers' awesome samples:

AND, before I forget - I would love to see you vote in the DT Throwdown challenge at Smeared & Smudged!  There are some AMAZING projects there :)



  1. Totally fun all green card, Jessi! The glossy accents look terrific on that egg shell. I hope that you are feeling better soon – coughs are no fun :-(

  2. cute how you used glossy accents..

  3. I'm so proud to have enabled you! ;)
    This is really cute! I love the added gloss!!

  4. Well of course you had to add some shine! Fun fun card!

  5. EEEK!!!! I LOVE frogs! This is so adorable and love all that green too!

  6. Such an adorable card and love how you highlighted the cracked eggs!

  7. Ca-ute! Love the glossy egg and beak. :) Off to check out Smeared & Smudged!

  8. Super cute! I love the glossy accents on the egg!

  9. So cute Jessi! Love the glossy egg - cute touch!

  10. That frog didn't fool me... Lol
    Great idea to gloss the shell and beak.
    Hope your feeling better soon, us mums don't seem to have time off for sickness do we!! :0)
    Jenny x

  11. Great card. The little image is so cute, and I like the Glossy Effects you've added to the egg shell to make it shine.

  12. This is really cute! The glossy egg looks fantastic. Hope you are feeling better!

    Hugs, Dawn

  13. You have the funniest images!!! I love all your green! The glossy accents is the perfect touch

  14. So cute, Jessi, love the shiny egg and duck bill...also love how you have placed the sentiment on an "egg" shape!

  15. so sweet! great coloring chicklet!

  16. This is so cute Jessi! The image is adorable and I love how you made it shiny.

  17. I love this card! That little guy just makes me so happy.


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