
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday Morning Sketches #190 - Stamping Scrapping

It's the day of Easter bunnies on my blog today! I couldn't resist using this week's Tuesday Morning Sketch for another card featuring this sweet bunny belly :) Our sponsor this week is Stamping Scrapping - prepare to spend some time drooling at their site.....oh em gee!

Supplies: bunny from DRS Designs; watercolored with reinkers; Stampendous Fun Flock; Basic Grey brads; EK Success square punch for notched banner ends; Grey Flannel Memento ink for edging bunny panel

I printed out two copies of the bunny, fussy-cutting one so I could pop it up for dimension. His/her belly is covered with a light layer of Fun Flock :)

Here's the sketch we're working with:

Did you know that by liking Tuesday Morning Sketches on Facebook, you'll have access to the sketch the night before it goes live? Hop on over & check it out!

 This sketch is open until next Sunday, March 24th. Check out all the other designers' cards:

There's also one more day left to enter my blog candy!  


  1. Such a cute the bunny!

  2. What an utterly adorable bunny. Love the layering and texture.

  3. Squeeeeeeeeeal! LOVE the fuzzy tummy on this bunny :)

  4. Looks like he ate one too many eggs! SO CUTE and love the texture on his tummy! Precious card, Jessi!

  5. That bunny is too cute! Love the fun flock on his belly, and the way you popped him up.

  6. That little bunny just has me smiling from ear to ear. He is so darn cute, and he looks so nice against the pink background -- really makes him stand out. Very nice card!

  7. Lovely card, Jessi! Love the long banners and the adorable bunny sticking out his belly!

  8. Ooh, that bunny has been eating too many of his own treats! So cute, and great design!

  9. This is so cute!! This guy with his big belly still makes me giggle!

  10. Fun card, Jessi!! I bet it looks even better in real time, 'cause that belly already looks so funny! Love the spring colors!!!! Can use that in still.... gray weather here.... Oef! :D
    Hugs, Wendy

  11. Fun Flock rocks and it makes for a perfect bunny belly! Another great card Jessi.

  12. I love this bunny's buddha belly! So cute!!! Perfect coloring and I love your fussy cutting chica!

  13. now that is one cute bunny...he might have eaten too many jelly beans.. hehe.. so cute

  14. Adorable Jessi! Love all the pink - so sweet and springy!

  15. How adorable is that bunny belly! So sweet! Love all the pink...girl you know you had me there! Such a fun sketch this week!

  16. Okay, I am lovin' me that fat belly!! What a cute image. Great card friend.

  17. i approve of the fun flocked belly! He looks like I feel right now. ;/

  18. So cute, Jessi...I love the monochrome pink and the chubby bunny!

  19. Very cute card, your bunny adorable. I am behind on Easter cards, I better kick it into gear :).

  20. So much fun Jessi! Love your chubby bunny image. Sweet!

  21. Your card is so perfect Jessi. I love that fat bunny.

  22. Love the bunny belly - especially all fluffy like that!
    Luis just walked by and said, "This picture you?" Hardy har har. Yes, my belly is quite similar (although not so fluffy...)


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