
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shopping our Stash #137 - Love me Tender

It's that lovey-dovey time of year! This week at Shopping our Stash we want to see your projects celebrating love or Valentine's Day. I figured that I would have a super-easy time with this challenge in terms of finding stash to use, because I haven't bought any new Valentine supplies (gasp! I know!). I think I may have outdone myself, though, because I found a piece of stash that pre-dates my making cards on a regular basis, which makes it about 12-13 years old. 

Supplies: So much stash. Uh, white detail EP; Versamark; heart button from Dress it Up; random twine; Wilton doily; cuttlebug embossing folder...?

In a faux-faux patina binge after Christmas, I made a boo-boo. I was using different colours, this one intended to be mainly yellow & red - and got a big glob of Sapphire mist on it. And it was hideous. It didn't blend well, and I didn't notice soon enough to add more to make it work. So I didn't de-static the sheet, went heavy with the Versamark, and got this shabby background. 

The ancient stash? That valentine from Suzy's Zoo! I vividly remember buying several boxes of them when I found them at a dollar store, and this must be the last one (or I've hidden the others REALLY REALLY well). 

 Come & play along with this challenge until next Monday, February 10th hop on by & leave the rest of my teamies some love!



  1. Love the background on this Jessi! Such pretty Valentine and it looks vintage with that cute picture on the front and the doily. Very nice!

  2. SERIOUS stash here. Nice save with the background! It looks like you totally meant to do that.

  3. Love that shabby background!! It's fantastic!! WOW that IS some serious stash!! Good on ya!

  4. No, seriously, the background was meant to look that amazing on purpose, right? And holy Valentine-from-12or13-years-ago Batman! That's incredible! Love this card, Jessi!

  5. Love it! The background is AWESOME!!!

  6. This is sooo cool!!! I love the background!!
    FYI the EF is Spots and Dots :) Yep! I have it! LOL

  7. Hi, Jessi, this is great! Wanted to let you know that this project and your tutorial are featured on our Facebook Page as our Tuesday Tutorial.
    Chana, Owner
    613 Avenue Create

  8. I just happen to think that's an awesome background. And such a cutie-pie image!

  9. Great background! I recognized the Suzy's Zoo image right away...I used to buy those notecards from cute!

  10. I bought Suzy's Zoo cards before I made cards, too...& I still have some! Thanks for the inspiration, Jessi & I love that background!

  11. Aww...what a CUTE and Happy card Jessi! Love the mouse with the rose so ADORABLE! Love it!

  12. Super cute card, love the image and a great sketch.

  13. suzy's zoo valentine??!?! holy moly, YEAH, you've soooooooo totally won the "stash wars" in a single stroke! the fact that you've made an AWESOME up-to-the-minute card out of it is just an amazing BONUS, missus! yowza! <3 <3 <3

  14. It was the shabby background that drew me to this card. How funny that it was a former reject. It is awesome! I used to buy old Valentine's to play with too but finally passed them on to someone with kids. I figure I have enough stamps..... yeah, probably I don't ever need to buy another Valentine's themed anything again. But I will!

  15. This card is seriously adorable! Love it!

  16. Don't you love Suzy's Zoo?? Her characters always make me smile! I love the embossing. Great card!


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