
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Light it up Blue!

Welcome  to the Light It Up Blue For Autism Awareness Blog Hop! I've changed my blog colours to blue to match, and I'm super excited to be part of this hop organized by two fellow autism moms, Veronica & Tenia! Visit either of their blogs for the blog hop list and to find out about all the fantastic generous sponsors. 

So why am I hopping today? I am the proud mother of two boys with autism. Connor is now 16 and Riley will be 15 this month. I won't go on for a long time because there will be a couple hundred stops along the hop, but I will tell you a few things about my boys.

Both were diagnosed in 2003 - Connor in March, Riley in December. We had known for some time that Connor was 'different' and we were waiting for a diagnosis. Riley's development pattern was so very different from Connor's that it wasn't until Connor's diagnosis that we started to realize that Riley was on the spectrum too. My cousin has autism, and my half-brother does as well. I researched autism in university, I volunteered in high school with several autistic students - and what I can tell you? Every person with autism (and how their autism presents) is as unique as fingerprints. 

Shortly after their diagnoses, the psychologist told me that Connor would be indistinguishable from his peers by grade 3. He said that Riley would likely never interact normally with other children. The reason I mention this is to tell you that predictions made for your child's future are absolutely useless. Imagine someone had said to your parents at age three what your life would be like today. Connor could not blend in if he tried (and he doesn't want to). Riley has several friends that come over to visit on a regular basis. 

All that is not to say that we don't struggle - along the way both boys have also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. Riley also has OCD. Connor has a speech impediment and dysgraphia. They work very hard, every single day, and  they are thoughtful, kind, considerate young men. 

First day of school!

Now on to my card :) I figured a blue love card would be just right.

Supplies: stamps from Reverse Confetti; Memento Tuxedo Black ink; Peacock Feathers distress ink; heart buttons from Dress it Up; paper from MME; heart Nesties

Thank you so very much for hopping with us today - mwah!


  1. Hi, Jessi! I enjoyed reading about your boys and seeing their photo. You have two wonderful sons! Your card is gorgeous - love all the fabulous buttons!

  2. Great advice to parents with autism, even the experts cannot predict what the future will be like...we are all different in the way we develop. I love your button heart card for the hop <3

  3. A great card - love the button heart.
    Kath x

  4. Girl.....I LOVE your boys and you know I just LURVE you!! Thanks so much for all of your help with helping Theo, Tim and I!!! Thanks so much for participating in this AWESOME blog hop!! You ROCK and I love you so much!!

  5. Love the buttons! Great card! Thanks for sharing your story.

  6. Thank you for sharing your story and your good looking boys, Jessi!

    I encounter so many different children at schools and they are different in every way. Kudos to you for being a great mum!

    Fabulous button cards!

  7. Awesome story gorgeous card you are an inspiration.

  8. Very sweet! Love the piecing and the heart of buttons!

  9. love your card, thanks for educating us all , life has no limits

  10. Happy tears! Absolutely beautiful blog post!! You are an amazing mother. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us. :) Also, that card is so perfect!

    I'm currently computerless, but I'm so glad I was still able to read your post on my phone. :) I also wrote a post for World Autism Day too, before my computer crashed... haha!

    Sending lots of love and hugs to you and your boys!!

  11. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your personal life and to that of your boys as well. I rarely listen to "expert" doctors, having been told 12 yrs ago I'd be in a wheelchair within a year. Pfft! I'm walking today! There are too many self-appointed "experts" who pass judgement without having a clue or even care how they make people feel! Kudos for being a caring Mom and knowing you've made better choices!! You've taught your children the best qualities already, so high 5's!! Take a bow Mom, you deserve it :)

  12. love this card and those buttons are gorgeous.. i love when you add the buttons..

  13. These buttons are so cute. Nice work

  14. Great post about your two boys -- they better be as proud of you and all you do as you are of them! ;) And a terrific card -- you're right, a blue love card (with coffee, too!) is just right.
    (Also, you still have that paper, too? Here I thought I'd be the only one. :P)

  15. Jessi - I truly appreciate your sharing about your boys and for letting us see a glimpse!! You are amazing and my hat is off to you!! This card with all its' beautiful blue buttons is just so amazingly awesome!! Well done, and I hope good things for you and your families future!! Thanks so much for participating and supporting this hop!! I hope you have a REALLY GREAT day!!!

  16. aww...what a sweet card and pic!

  17. Awww... love your sweet card with the buttons!! Hugs to your sweet young men!

  18. Jessi, thank you so much for sharing your experiences with your sons. I know your life is enriched by the joys they bring you, as their lives are enriched in having you as their amazing, creativity, supportive, encouraging mom. Treasures do come in so many card: fabulous x awesome!

  19. Super hugs to your boys and to you too Jessi.
    Very pretty card and a great way to say love.

  20. Great post and love your button card.

  21. Gorgeous card and 2 handsome young men! Thank you for sharing!!! ♥♥

  22. Adorable card, love the buttons and the great design. I can tell by looking at the picture, that both of your boys are absolutely perfect. LIUB!

  23. You're an work for what is the best for your boys. Love your card a latte.

  24. Beautiful card for a great cause.

  25. Such a neat card. I love those colorful buttons, like the ribbon. I too have two children with autism. Thank you for supporting this cause.

  26. I love your card! The coffee cup is wonderful. Thanks for participating!

  27. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your card is wonderful. I am sending hugs to your boys and hugs to you for being a strong and wonderful mom. Thank you for taking part in this hop.

  28. Thank you for sharing your story with us. Your card is wonderful. I am sending hugs to your boys and hugs to you for being a strong and wonderful mom. Thank you for taking part in this hop.

  29. Thank you for sharing your story. Your boys sound like incredible young men. I love the design of your card - great sentiment. xx

  30. Love your cute card! Thanks for sharing your story.

  31. You are 100% right, the future cannot be predicted. Each of us is unique and beautiful in our uniqueness.

  32. Lovely card!!! Thanks for sharing your story.

  33. Thanks for sharing your story about your wonderful boys..they are handsome and you must be a proud mom of them..I have two boys and they are normal...thanks for sharing your story Jessy and your heart button card is so the two big and small heart there...adorable colors on your mug too..
    (I love and proud to join this hop and hope you like to hop back to my card it is #155)

  34. Jessi it was great to read about your two boys, I share your outlook on Autism and your sense of humour about it too :) Fabulous card and your trademark buttons look great as a frame.
    Thanks for adding me to the group to take part in this special hop xxx
    Jenny :)

  35. I was delighted to find this blog hop in aid of Autism as our 8yo son has low spectrum autism.He was diagnosed aged 3yo and is making great progress! He has specialist help and attends his local school. He is a wonderful boy, much loved by many. Your card is brilliant! Thank you to all the sponsors for supporting this cause.

  36. Jessi, those boys are so handsome!! You are such a good mom! :) What a wonderful cause!! I absolutely LOVE your card with the buttons and of course!! Brilliantly pieced together my friend!! You and your family have an amazing Easter weekend! HUGS

  37. You have a lovely family and are a wonderful mom from the sound of it. I adore your button coffee card. Nice work!

  38. what good lookin' boys you have! It sounds like you led the perfect life for the boys you have, and they probably benefit more than you will ever know! You are the button queen, I struggle using them on cards

  39. Such handsome guys and I love that button heart!

  40. So nice to learn more about your sons!! They sound like wonderful people!! I always enjoy reading about there funny antics!! You card is lovely!! I love the button heart!!

  41. Great words about autism and how everyone is different. What a sweet card with alllll those buttons. So nifty.

  42. Sniffle* Snuffle* Baaaaawllll* Your post was so amazingly touching as is your card. Your kiddos couldn't ask for a better, more caring momma. You rock!

  43. A beautiful project, a beautiful post....very inspiring!

  44. Fabulous post Jessi, so proud to be your friend!

  45. what a sweet card... love all the buttons! you are so right about predicting your child's future! my Levi was diagnosed at age 9 with learning disabilities and it seemed that would be the end of it... by the time he reached 7th grade it was apparent something else was going on. at 14 he was diagnosed with test anxiety, executive function deficit and autism! but all those things do not define him... he is smart, creative and wildly funny! thanks for sharing about your boys!

  46. Awesome creation Mom-you are the Rock Star. Your boys are lucky to have you! ♥ Sue

  47. What a privilege to meet Connor and Riley - thanks, Jessi! Love the blue button heart on your card - just perfect :)

  48. Your card is just great ! Just as your love for your boys; it really shows ! Thank you for sharing your story, and let us in to your and your sons lifes. Very touching.

  49. Love the card and your story. I am glad Connor doesn't want to fit in, nobody should be who they are not.

  50. I saw you at the Light It Up for Autism Awareness hop and came over to take a closer look.
    I loVe your wonderful card. Thanks for sharing your story, your card and for helping to raise Autism Awareness.
    Crafty hugs,
    DesignsbyDragonfly {blogspot}

  51. I am sure your sons are absolutely amazing--they have YOU for their mother! Keep doing your best--it will always be perfect for them. You card is just darling--I adore the buttons! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  52. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us and your wonderful card. Love the buttons!!
    I have a daughter who is an Aspy. She's 28 and we've only known that about her in the last few years. So wish we had known in her early years.
    Hugs and love to you as you guide your wonderful boys into the future!!! We are all in this together, my friend!!
    Thanks so much for participating in this important hop!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  53. First, both your boys are darling!! I love all the buttons you have framed the heart with. I love your blog and all the cards you post!! Keep stamping!!

  54. Wonderful card and wonderful post, Jessi :-)

  55. Your boys have the most amazing Mom ever! You are a rock star and I luvs ya to pieces! Your card is all sorts of awesomeness! ((HUGS!))

  56. You're a great mom. People are more than their diagnoses so people shouldn't limit them to that at all. thank you for participating ♥

  57. Beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Great card with your button lined big heart! Love!

  58. Those are some handsome young men you have there and I am sure you and they are the hard workers as you shared. I know the Moms do alot too. Your card is lovely, I love buttons too.

  59. Thanks for sharing your story. I like all the buttons on your card.

  60. Clever use of the buttons. Very pretty card-I like it a LATTE;)

  61. What a great picture of your boys. Those smiles are priceless. Your card is beautiful, too.

  62. Lovely to read about your sweet boys. Your heart card is cute as a button too!

  63. Loving your buttons miss Jessie! What a fabulous card. So glad to participate in such a fun and talented way to raise awareness.

  64. Thank you so much for sharing your story! You and your boys are an inspiration, and your card is beautiful!

  65. Thank you for sharing your story with us! Your boys are lucky to have such a sweet mama! I love your card... a latte. ;) Giant hugs! Thanks for taking the time to spread Autism Awareness!

  66. Thanks for sharing a bit about your boys, Jessi--I know they bless your life, as well as drive you crazy like all kids--LOL! Sweet, beautifully crafted card!


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