
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Shopping our Stash #198 - Texture Me!

This week at Shopping our Stash we've got a pretty easy challenge for you - we want you to use your oldest embossing supply! Your oldest folder, powder, even those old texture boards that you need to use a stylus with...whatever your oldest supply is. And tell us about it - we love a good crafty story :)

My oldest embossing supply (that I still own) is this Cuttlebug folder - I bought my Cuttlebug used via Splitcoaststampers about ten years ago, and this folder was one of the supplies the seller sent along with the machine. It's seen a lot of use & I still love it. 

Supplies: image from Digital Pencil Too; Spectrum Noir markers; Cuttlebug folder; computer-generated sentiment; Nesties labels die; Mod Podge Dimensional Magic; hot pink rhinestones from Dollarama

As you can see in the closeup there is some shimmer on the embossing...I must not have done such a great job cleaning it the last time I played with spray mists. Oops. I meant to do that ;)

So what have my teammates embossed? Check out the SOS crew: 

And you have until Monday,April 27th to come play!


  1. HA! A shimmery embossed background, what a happy accident! I think that was one of my own first folders.

    And I love that Mo image. I even own it, somewhere, in the bowels of my computer.

  2. i wonder if that e/c came with old skool c-bugs at some point? b/c it was my 1st one, too! i still love it, actually, tho obviously now i will always use it with a little bit of shimmery spray stuck to the inside so it will look as fab as THIS COOL CARD!!! :)

  3. LOL!! What a fun image and a great sentiment to go with it!! Love the purple robe and your shimmery embossing background!! ;)

  4. Fabulous card, Jessi! That sentiment totally defines most of my days! I have that same EB and I love it and I love your use of it on this project. Very nicely done!

  5. Fabulous card Jessi, that folder is my second oldest bought at Walmart and i love it too. That sentiment is fab. story of my days too.

  6. Added sparkle in a craft project... tick!

  7. But of course you meant to do that! Love the card! And my oldest texture supply does come with a story... may just have to play along!

  8. Fab card sistah! Super cute image although I did momentarily wonder if she was sitting on the toilet - you know - cause that's where I always check facebook LOL it's the only place I get any peace and quiet!!

  9. Beautiful card with all the shimmers and love the lilac bathrob, Jessi!

  10. I still love that folder, too! Fun card!

  11. So fun!! Love how you colored the image! And the sentiment is AWESOME!!


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