
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Becca's Birthday!

Oh boy...once I got started playing with Becca's Distress Ink Dipping Technique, I couldn't stop. Here's two cards, and there's more drying right now!

Supplies: Sweet Pea Stamps image; Paper Smooches sentiment; unknown rectangle die; Distress inks in Seedless Preserves & Picked Raspberry; sequins from Neat & Tangled; Spectrum Noir markers

Supplies: Reverse Confetti Stamps; unkown floral dies; Distress inks in Seedless Preserves & Picked Raspberry; Sakura Stardust clear glitter pen; classic small circle Nesties; Neat & Tangled Sequins; bling from Dollarama

The stamping was a happy accident - the picked raspberry wasn't dark enough, so I slightly offset it with Seedless Preserves and got the cool shadowy effect...and now it's legible lol.



  1. There's a reason that this is my favorite technique - because it always winds up with AWESOME inky backgrounds. And then you add sequins on top of that?! Yep. For the win! You are the BEST EVER!

  2. So wonderful and the perfect choice of birthday card for Becca!

  3. Awesome cards, fab. backgrounds. I need to check out that technique.

  4. Lovely lovely lovely...will have to check out the technique - love the colours you've used!

  5. Inky gorgeousness plus shaker cards? You are such an overachiever. :D

  6. This looks really AWEOSME Jessi!! I love the colors and the fun idea of being a shaker too!! I'm sure she loved it! :)

  7. Oh wow--these are stunning, Jessi, & I know Becca loved them!


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