
Monday, January 24, 2011

Four all over the place!

First of all, here comes day 4 in the 30 Days of Creativity prompt...

Do some doodling... share it and write about it!

It took forever! I carried around my black fine tip marker and a red Sharpie for a few days, and never figured out how I wanted to start. Finally I just decided to write the word "Doodle" and go from there. As all the best doodles do, it then took on a life of its own. I've always loved putting eyes into double "o" words, and then the rest of the face took shape. I think my two favourite details are the spiderwebs in the Ds, and the "shaded" black areas around the face - I did that by drawing hundreds of teeny hearts in two directions, on top of one another. The final touch was added this afternoon, after staring at the remaining white space for a couple of days...and now, it is filled with the words WHITE SPACE. Sometimes you just have to go with it.

I have no idea if this will give me the desire to doodle more often, but next time I hope I don't find myself thinking about it so much! It's just a doodle!!!

The next part having to do with fantastic blog I follow, Understand Blue, had a great post on Sunday (as usual...I want to be her when I grow up) with a fun little "four things" post...and given that I knew I was working up to Day 4, I made a mental note to do this too. Here goes:

1. Four shows that you watch:
-Grey's Anatomy
-Private Practice

2. Four things you are passionate about:
-my kids!
-reading & books!

3. Four words/phrases you say a lot:
-um, four-letter words {blush}
-I love you
-Come ON.

4. Four things you've learned from the past:
-Seriously, try not to sweat the small stuff.
-Walk away before you lose it!
-Mistakes are just opportunities for creative embellishment...for cards, anyway!
-Life is too short to bother dealing with mean people.

5. Four places you would like to go:
-Vancouver. It'll always be "home," even though I won't live there again.
-Newfoundland & Labrador, so I can see our tenth province.
-All 3 territories, for the same reason as above.
-Hawaii, because it was -35 degrees Celsius this morning with the windchill.

6. Four things you did yesterday: Ugh, Sunday is never a fun day...
-a long bath
-talked to my sis for 2 hours or the day actually got pretty good :)

7. Four things you are looking forward to:
-when Sarah and Andrew come to visit's freaking cold today! day is my favourite day of the week
-bedtime. Someone is having a rough day, and it's not me.

8. Four things you love about winter:
-No mosquitoes. That's a no-brainer.
-Snuggling up with blankets and the heat going, and feeling cozy and warm inside.
-Going for a walk on the crisp but not freezing days (down to -15 or so...)
-That it does finally end!


1 comment:

  1. Your doodle/zentangle is AMAZING!! You should sell those on Zibbet - wow!

    Love your list. Isn't it funny how we all hate the summer bugs?? :)



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