
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Multi-Loop Bows with Emily Keaton!

A challenge, hosted by the lovely Emily Keaton at Do More with Less? Yes, please! I'm one of those people who wanted to know how she made her fab multi-loop bows, and I was so sad originally to learn that it was using a Bow-Easy...because I was afraid of mine altogether until she sent me the link to this tutorial for the Bow-Easy. I kept messing up when watching it in videos, but the step-by-step photo tutorial helped me nail where I was screwing up. So now I'm finally using my Bow-Easy after a year or more of looking at it & wishing I could use it.

So, I was stoked to try out the multi-loop bow, but I will admit to quite a few (5! FIVE!) failures and several days of staring angrily at my card....because, as it turns out, embroidery floss is not my friend. At least not for this. Finally I switched to some hemp twine, and wah-la, awesome bow! And I love it, and I'm totally doing it again sometime.

Supplies: all papers from Echo Park "For the Record;"
Labels 4 Nesties; Peeled Paint distress ink;
sentiment from Hero Arts;
hemp twine from stash; Bow Easy

The challenge is open until Friday, March 23, so you've lots of time to get cracking & link up!


  1. That bow rocks! You need a bad-ass fibre like hemp to make a bow like that. No wussy embroidery floss for this job!

  2. Fabulous bow!! I wish I could do this with seam binding, but it won't do it!! Love the DP.

  3. Oh wow! That bow turned out pretty cool! Way to go on making that work! What a sweet card! So glad you played along with my guest Emily's challenge! :)

  4. {clap, clap, clapping!} Jessi, you did it!!! I'm so glad you conquered your fear of the Bow Easy, 'cause you ended up with one OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD bow!! It is the star of the show on this sweetest-ever card. I'm so glad you gave it a try for my Guest Blogger challenge over at Do More With Less!!

  5. awesome bow. awesome card. so there. ;)

  6. Yeah for sticking with the bow! Isn't it funny that it worked with a different type of cording (I'm sure not very funny at the time!)? Thanks for the tut link, too. The card is so sweet!

  7. Fabulous bow but it looks very complicated to me, Jessi!

  8. I'm not great friends with my bow easy either but have to say never use it for twine!! Your multi loops look perfect from here, yep you certainly cracked it and it takes pride of place on your card too :0)
    Jenny x

  9. I was super ecited for emily's tutorial too. You rocked it! Bow making is never easy no matter what the tool is called. Humph.

  10. Now, THAT's a bow!! Must go and check out the tutorial!


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