
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Shopping our Stash #73 - Trick or Treat!

It's October, and you know what that means! TRICK OR TREAT! This week at Shopping our Stash we're DARING you to celebrate with your stash by creating something 
Halloweeny or spooky, OR
using a candy, food, dessert theme
I remembered running across a Halloween graphic that I printed out last year, sometime during the summer. Vividly. Not so vividly that I knew WHERE the darn thing was, but vividly enough that I wasn't going to stop looking for it and use something else. 

Perseverance paid off, though. Found it! And made this:
Supplies: Halloween graphic from the Graphics Fairy;
brads from Making Memories;
paper from Reminisce
It was exceedingly easy to shop only my stash this go-round, because I didn't buy any new Halloween supplies this year. Not even at the dollar store. I can't quite believe it myself.

This challenge will be open until next Monday, October 22. Don't forget to see what the rest of the SOS team has been up to!

And now I'm off to dig out my Christmas supplies - if I'm not back in half an hour, the basement defeated me ;) lol!


  1. oooooooh! what a gorgeous vintage halloween graphic! DEFINITELY worth the perserverance, tho i can so totally relate to that paragraph of yours... been there, done that! (metaphorically, i mean; i've not actually spent anytime searching your basement tho the thought of it being stocked with xmas goodies is kind making me tempted, lol!)

    LOVE♥LOVE♥LOVE this, missus!!!!

  2. You know I love vintage! This is awesome and so glad you used it! I am ooohhhhhing over this baby! Love it!

  3. wow great that fun witch..

  4. bootiful card!
    i'm sorry but it had to be done.
    so there.

  5. Glad you found it, since it made into a fantastic, spooky, Halloween card! Love it.

  6. You put it in a VERY safe place. I feel your pain. I can SEE something, just can't FIND it. ;/

    Excellent job stash-shopping!

  7. I'm impressed that you ultimately found this awesome graphic when you needed it... wouldn't happen here! Great spooky card.

  8. Too cool! Love the vintage image and the design!

  9. Glad you found it! I hate that when I know that I've got it.... somewhere... Another FAB card Jessi!

  10. LOVE the vintage flair of this cool card! Isn't that white owl awesome? Way to shop your stash, Jessi!

  11. Very cool! That is such an awesome, unique image of the witch! Love the vintagey feel:) I love Halloween!

  12. Hi Jessi! Love that vintagey image and sentiment! I don't really do Halloween but really like your card!!

  13. Awesome image and I love the background paper you paired it with. :)


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