
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Liebster Award? *blushes*

I'm a little later than I'd hoped getting this posted, but my youngest, Riley, has been sick all week, and then on Friday ended up having to go to the hospital for IV fluids and tests. I will spare you all the details, because they're gross, but he's on the mend now (thankfully!) and should even be able to head back to school this week after missing 7 days. The poor kid!

I was very honoured to receive the Liebster Award from Greta at GG Creations this week - I met Greta through playing along in the MUSE challenges, and had to become a follower. She is kind & talented - the best combination in a bloggy friend, dontcha think?

This award was designed to promote blogs which have less than 200 followers. Once the award is accepted, the idea is to pay it forward to five other blogs you enjoy, encouraging others to visit, leave comments, and hopefully follow. 

To accept the award:Thank the person who gave it to you and link back to their blog. Post the award on your blog. Give the award to five other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  

Write a comment on their blog letting them know they have been nominated. 

When I was trying to decide who to pass the Liebster Award on to, I looked back to the last time I received it - and many of those talented ladies have now gone past the 200 follower mark! WOOT! So I thought I'd still give them a shout-out because they are all still fabulously talented women.

I received it from Jen (JENerally Speaking) (161!) and JJ (JJ Bolton Handmade Cards) (294!) and passed it on to:
Sally at Cinnamon Sally Designs (now at 221!)
Barb at Barbles...handmade with heart (now at 190!)
Emily at My Little Slice of Bliss (now at 206!)
Theresa at My Sassy Cards (now at 133!)
Therese at Lostinpaper (now at 242!)

Now, for the hard part - the narrowing it down to 5. I am seriously lucky to know so many talented creative people! I'm passing the Liebster Award on to these 5 folks:

Lindsey, from Bashful Blogging. She does cute, she does elegant, she rocks embossing like...a rock star? She's totally awesome, funny, and on the DT for Crafty Creations Challenges!

Chris, from Chrispy's Creations. One of my fellow DT members over at the Drunken Stampers, she has a Paper Smooches collection that I plan to sneak into her house & "borrow"....

Nance from Soul Stampin'. Embossing, inking, and playing. She gets into it all!

Lai-Yoke from walchow design.   Again with the embossing, but seriously. I envy those skills! Lai-Yoke also creates the loveliest 3-D projects, and handmade bags.

Leslie from The Crooked Stamper. One of my peeps from Shopping our Stash. I stalked her long before that because of her hilariously irreverent sentiments!

OK, go visit. Leave bloggy love. Follow them :) I'm going to go get more coffee!


  1. So sweet of you to think of me, Jessi! Many thanks!

  2. Awww! Blushing here now! Thank you so much my friend, this is truly an honor! (And you are always more than welcome to 'borrow' my Paper Smooches collection!) Muah!

  3. I am totally honoured, Jessi! Thanks for this. I'm glad to hear there's nothing too serious going on with Riley.

  4. Jessi, thank you so much for giving me a shout out! You are beyond selfless and oh so supportive of everyone and every style. Love ya to bits and am not surprised you received yet ANOTHER award! Ya rock! It's as simple as that! xx

  5. You totally deserve the award hon! XOXO!!!


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