
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers: Y is for Your Mama!

It's been two weeks, and we're ready for another challenge at the Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers - this time around we've got a very timely holiday challenge:

I've got two cards to share - one snarky, one pretty!

Supplies: image from the Graphics Fairy; saying computer generated based on an Anne Taintor image; a bunch of embellies from my stash

Closeup of the embellishments - ribbon, fibres from my friend Denyse, stick pins, sparkly dots. I stitched everything on to keep it securely fastened & arranged the way I wanted.

Supplies: Memory Box flower die; Spellbinders butterfly die; Webster's Pages lace; sentiment from PTI; Peacock Feathers distress ink; Cuttlebug embossing folder (for butterflies); acetate; beads; Mod Podge Dimensional Magic

I really love how this card turned out - the butterflies were left over from another project, and the beaded flower centres really shine. I used Dimensional Magic in each flower centre & then poured the beads in, pressing down gently to make sure they all stuck. 

Want to make a pretty card for a mom, or a snarky card about motherhood? You've got 2 weeks, so link up by May 18! Make sure to visit my snarky sisters to see what they've created!

And our guest designer this week, SHARI, who has an incredible style you'll love! 



  1. Both cards are fab (as always) Jessi, but it was the first one that really made me laugh out loud!

  2. I love both cards Jessi, the image and sentiment on the first one and all those pretty flowers and embellies on the second...way to rock the challenge sister!

  3. Actually, they're BOTH so pretty! I do love the snarky sentiment on that first card but it's still a beauty! Love all the wonderful flowers on the second one.

  4. I love both your beautiful cards, but the combination of beauty and snarky takes top prize with me. Snark has a special place in our hearts.

  5. Ahhh, a vintage beauty with a snarky sentiment! That's a match made for chuckles :) I love all those gorgeous flowers and beads on the 2nd card too! What a WOW factor card that is!! NJ on both!

  6. Both cards are just gorgeous, Jessi! Your flowers are just breathtaking but I can't help but ADORE your glorious vintage with SNARK! xxD

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE Both of your cards, Jessi!! Even your 'snarky' one is gorgeous!! And the choices of embellishments and flowers! Soooo pretty!! You truly are One Crafty Mama! I've got some new inspiration to carry me through the week, now :) XOXO-Shari

  8. Oh wowzer--that flower card is absolutely incredible, Jessi! I always forget about my beads & you've inspired me to use them! The first one is so pretty & so funny!

  9. First card... snarky, or just honest? Hmm. I do love the contrast of image and embellishments with the sentiment. Second card is just straight out gorgeous.

  10. Both cards are fantastic! I love how you used the snarky saying on a beautiful card!


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