
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers - K is for -

I think kraft is one of those colours that you don't really appreciate until you start playing with it. I doubt anyone thinks to themselves "Self, kraft is like theeee best colour, I love it!" (ok, maybe just me) but think about it - you could make a card for anything with kraft, and it would be appropriate. You can dress it up, dress it's like the little black dress of crafting. So the Snarky Sisters want YOU to use some kraft! 

I've got two cards for you - I was DETERMINED to make a snarky card this time around, dammit, and then I forgot & made a cute card. I went back & snarked, and I feel much better now :)

Supplies: Stella - F*@k-up Fairy digi from Bugaboo Stamps; Spectrum Noir markers; Stardust Sakura glitter pen; Sew Easy

Who better than Stella to bring the snark? 
I used a bit of glitter pen on her wings, and outlined her with the lightest pink marker I have to help her pop (not because I went outside the lines a little and was trying to fix it. Nope.)

I'm popping my Stella card in over at Naughty or Nice challenges - and I think I'll be making a few more of these cards, because I can think of a number of people who have the F*#k up fairy visiting lately :)

And here's my not-snarky card:

Supplies: patterned kraft from stash; sentiment stamps from Paper Smooches; Brushed Corduroy distress ink; gem from stash; Wilton doily; clip art & sentiment from Crafty Secrets

I used a scrap from the edge of the patterned paper for the sentiment - I'm running low on kraft and have a few different colours of it. Easy matching! I also went nuts distressing & rolling the edges of the patterned piece & the photo. 

You've got 2 weeks to link up (by September 5th) - and stop by & say hello to my sistahs:

Barb (off this round)
Lynne (off this round)

And we are super pleased to have HAZEL with us this week as our guest designer! She got her Stella on too :) 

*if you're interested, I posted some updated tattoo pics earlier - here*


  1. Stella and snark go together like drunk and disorderly! Love that image and the sentiment is just PERFECT! Your second card is just as wonderful, but in a non-snarky way! Fabulous image, and love the distressing/rolling of the edges! Cool beans!

  2. LOL! BOTH are great Jessi, however, I really am inclined to LOVE THAT FIRST ONE! Too funny and cute! Great use of the Kraft on both. The second one is so lovely and sweet. Love the doily behind the image.

  3. Kraft is totally the little black dress of crafting!!! Hee Hee that Stella...I think she keeps sending the eff up fairy to my house...LOL
    Both cards are awesome! I love that you went back and snarked retroactively!!

  4. Snarky indeed! Your Stella card is fantastic, I love the sentiment and your wonderful stitching. However, the homespun feel of the Best Wishes card is very heartfelt and pretty! It just goes to show the versatility of your style.

  5. Hihi, that old fairy is so funny! Love it, perfect in the grey and pink palette! Love it!
    hugs, Wendy

  6. Stella! She rocks! Both cards are fun. The vintage image is adorable, even if you didn't use snark.

  7. Haaa love your Stella card too. Great Minds think Alike!!! The second card is so pretty and loving the Vintage feel. Love Hazel (Adopted Sister of Snark this week) xx

  8. I love the funny fairy with the saggy boobs! Bwahahaha!!! Great stitching on those torn panels too. This is the snarkiest card I've seen all day! LOL I love the romantic vintage card too, and that heart paper is perfect! Well done!

  9. I love Stella - she's got balls bigger than church bells! The retro look on your second card is perfect. (Look at the size of his .... bike!)
    hugs, Asha

  10. So, if I got my hubs to make a card with kraft cs, he might start to like it? :D First card... bwahaha, perfect snark! Second card... how perfect is this? Love it.

  11. Oh my gosh!!! The first card is so darn funny!!! Your coloring is awesome too!! The second card is sooo sweet! I love it!!


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