
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Buttons and bows and burlap, OH MY!

I am so excited to join the talented team at Our Creative Corner as a guest designer today!
The OCC is now on Facebook

The challenge is to choose two of the following: buttons, burlap, and bows. I've gone with buttons & bows, and is it ok to be so darn happy with how my card turned out?
Supplies: stamps from Unity;
Palette Noir ink; Barn Door distress ink;
standard small & lacy circle Nesties;
heart buttons from Dress it Up!;
Offray ribbon; Bow-Easy;
Sakura Stardust glitter pen

Shaky bits! microbeads and teensy itty bitty hearts
Once I got this idea in my head, I was determined to see it through. There were some interesting words said, though...I filled the cut-out piece with the shaker bits, and trying to line it up with the bottom layer without being able to see? Yep. Interesting words. I've never made a layer-shaker before - generally I use the entire card front. I took a photo to show the different layers:

All 3 circles cut using the same die; I used an Exacto blade to trim out the shaker detail on the top layer.
The acetate is unshrunk Shrink plastic - cuts like buttah in the Cuttlebug.
And just to let you know how dangerously I like to roll, when did I stamp the sentiment? AFTER ASSEMBLING THE WHOLE SHAKER. I swear, it's like I'm trying to watch the world burn.

Yep, too much time on the Internet.

Be sure to go check out how the design team interpreted this challenge, and join in with us - Our Creative Corner challenges end on Friday nights. (And, OCC is having a design team call....lookie!)
Thanks so much for visiting me today :) 


  1. Your shakers are just darling!! Great sentiment! I am laughing...with you of course...because I tend to always add something after I have added all my embellishments..and my piece won't lay flat...LOL!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. Oooh, how fun! I love those shakers. This is really cute. Good for you - living dangerously with the sentiment. :) ann Y.

  3. Your shaker card is FABULOUS, Jessi! Love your take on the challenge, and yes of COURSE it's OK to be so darn happy with how it turned out! CONGRATS on your GD spot! You aced it. :)

  4. Eeee, brilliant and oh so creative. LOVE the pun on the stamp and 'shaker' card. totally makes me giddy (as i clap my hands and bounce on the couch). too cute.

  5. It looks fabulous Jessi! :)
    Love how big a risk you took...stamping at the end! *winks*

  6. FANtastic idea for a shaker card! LOVE it!

  7. Oh my, how clever and cute is this?! What a perfect card, perfect execution!

  8. I love shakers and it's been so long since I've made one. Love your salt and pepper love shakers! Thanks for GD for us this and beautiful card!

  9. Congrats on your GD spot, Jessi! Have never made shaker but yours looks great and everything is so well executed! Love all those minis in it!

  10. perfect use of those stamps!!! whoda thunk it to make a shaker card of P&S shakers? you of course! genius girlie! :)

  11. This is so darn cute, Jessi. Totally adorable shakers - love the hearts and the heart button you used. Really great work. Great work on being our guest designer this week at Our Creative Corner. You really did us proud.


  12. Sorry, I have a ton of catching up to do. Been out of town. So happy to see all your crafty work. My blog will be quiet I am sure here on out other than obligations. I am trying to figure out when that is going to happen.

    I love love this! Congrats on your GDT spot! What a way to show off and impress! Yay you! I love it! Yes, you can be proud of your own cards! Your rocked it lady.

    I have more to catch up on your blog, but must head to bed!

  13. Oh my goodness ... how cute are these shakers ... wow, love the cute wee hearts too!
    Thank you so much for Guest Designing with us this week at Our Creative Corner!!!

  14. Jessi, I seriously laughed out loud at your comment about stamping the sentiment AFTER the shaker was assembled. You are a brave gal! That always spells trouble when I do things in that order...usually it is smudged ink that makes me want to scream! Lol!

    But let me tell you...your card is shake-shake-shake-a-licious! Such a fun design and I love the loppy ribbon treatment. Awesome! So glad you joined us this week as our Guest Designer at OCC...rolling dangerously and everything! Haha! You are too funny, girly! Have a fabulous day! Big hugs! :)

  15. I love how you kept everything 'together'. The shakers are shakers, and there are hearts in them, with a heart shape button. LOVE IT!
    Thank you for being our guest designer! Great work.

  16. Such a fun and cute card. Love the lovely shakers and hearts. Thank you for being guest designer and sharing with us at Our Creative Corner ...:)

  17. super cute shakers!!! love the heart sprinkles..

  18. Totally okay to be happy with a card as awesome as this! You are one wild and crazy gal leaving th sentiment to the end like that...

  19. Omg this blog post made me giggle...your trials and tribulations in the craft world are so worth sharing :0)
    The card turned out brilliantly, love the shakin red hearts and how daring to leave the sentiment to last.....that was one deep breath!!!
    Jenny x


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