
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Simon Says Do you Stack Up, TMS?

**If you're here for my guest designer post at Our Creative Corner, please scroll down or click here**

Well, I cracked myself up with that title, anyway ;) lol!
First up, Happy Father's Day to my husband, who is a great dad, and since he doesn't read my blog anyway, that's enough of that nonsense!
My friend Barb just joined the design team over at Do You Stack Up, so I HAD to play along. In the last-minute spree of Father's Day crafting, I knew I could make something with a "boys/men" theme. I'm also playing along with Tuesday Morning Sketches #150 - this week is a judged challenge, so there's a twist: use black, kraft, and ONE other colour (I went with white), along with the sketch. Here's my card:
Supplies: Antique Linen distress ink; Palette Noir ink;
burlap stamp from Market Street Stamps;
sentiment from Ditto; Basic Grey buttons; hemp cord;
standard oval Nesties

TMS challenges always end Sunday night, so head to your craft room & make something quick! Here's the sketch:

The DYSU challenge is open until Tuesday at 5, so you've lots of time to link up there. 

And what did Simon say? Simon said to use this photo board as inspiration this week: (linky closes on Tuesday night)
I went with the over-arching theme of "summer" for my card, and I love how it turned out! Nothing says summertime to me quite like the beach, and bright fun colours:
Supplies: stamps from Inkadinkado;
Palette Noir ink; standard circle & oval Nesties;
buttons from Dress it Up!;
antique linen distress embossing powder;
papers from Fancy Pants "summer soul" 

Distress EP sets off my smoke alarm (it's right above the desk) so I've taken to using my little pot of it as sand. It's the perfect colour & texture for it! I adhere it using ZIG two-way glue pen, and it stays put through repeated touching.
In the interest of not having a post a mile along, I'm going to tuck my other challenge cards into a second post!


  1. Very nice CAS Father's Day card Jessi! The buttons are the perfect embellishment. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  2. Great take on the photo inspiration with the sunny side! Great coloring and those seashells are so adorable!

  3. Great masculine Fathers Day card! Love that summer card--that's such a cute image. Thanks for joining us at TMS this week!

  4. Super card for a chap

    kitten - DYSU team

    I can't stop looking at the crab guy on your last card...soooo adorable!

  6. Great father's day card...the old woman is a hoot!! Thanks for joining us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  7. PERFECT Father's day card and your summer card is so fun!!
    Hugs, Karin

  8. Great CAS masculine card! And I agree with you I just love your fun summery beach scene, it's gorgeous!

  9. Love the CAS Father's Day card. Thanks for playing along with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches.

  10. Such a great CAS layout. Thanks for joining us at Tuesday Morning Sketches this week.

  11. I love your creative use of the distress EP to avoid setting off the smoke detector!!!! That clean Father's Day card is perfect, and I do love that awesome sentiment (and fun buttons) on the second. :)

  12. Love your CAS Father's Day card and how cute is that little beach beauty? Love the soft paper behind the image and those buttons are the perfect touch! :)

  13. Loved your CAS masculine card.Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.

  14. Love this summer themed FD card! You always put such great elements together!

  15. Fabulous chick:) I love this. Thank you so much for joining us over at the Simon Says Stamp Challenge, hugs, Dawny x

  16. The sand rocks!!! Only that EP sets off the smoke alarm? How very strange...

  17. That's the most CAS card I've seen on your blog!!! Love the cardigan buttons :0)
    Your surfing granny made me laugh but now I have an image of my MIL wearing a swimming costume in my head !!! Urghhh :0(
    Jenny x

  18. I love your CAS Father's Day card! Love how you did the corners!

    Thanks for the tip on using EP for sand! What color is that? I was just at a scrapbook convention and they were selling this sand that you apply with a spatula. Cool looking but so messy!


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