
Monday, June 4, 2012

Flowers from my Stash

None of you were any help for naming posts! lol
Maybe I should ask the kids to start naming them for me...oh em gee, that's what I'll do. Of course, that means that said kids will have to be around while I'm blogging. File it as an idea, anyhow.

The current Shopping our Stash challenge, #53, is to use flowers. Easy-peasy! And since Simon Says Stamp is hosting an Anything Goes challenge this week, I'm linking up to them too :) Shopping our Stash ends Monday night, and Simon Says ends Tuesday night.

Supplies: cardstock from Coredinations;
embossed with Cuttlebug folder, sanded, traced with Sakura Stardust pen;
standard circle Nesties;
flower die cut from K&Co

Supplies: flower digi stamp from Squigglefly;
watercoloured with reinkers sooooo long ago;
yellow paper from Basic Grey "Piccadilly;"
orange paper from scrap bin;
sentiment from Kaisercraft; Palette Noir ink;
bamboo crochet thread
The first card is an all-stash star - that embossed piece of paper has been rustling around in the ol' scrap bin for a very long time, with a circle cut out of it. I made a recessed-frame sort of thing by popping that piece up on foam tape over the card base, and then tucking the flower die cut partially into the frame.
As for the second card, the flower is the stash here - my printer doesn't like digis. Well, to be fair, what I mean is that no matter what I do, no matter what sealant, heat gun, whatever, I apply, the ink smudges. So, I thought to myself, after applying a coat of sealant, why don't I emboss over the lines? So I used a glue pen and clear EP to super smudge-proof the image....without thinking ahead that as it melted, the EP would cover slightly more area since I don't have the steadiest hand. I finished colouring, let it dry, and tossed it in the scrap bin for another day when I wasn't annoyed with how long it had taken.
Riley's teacher had her baby over the weekend - everyone is healthy, which is fantastic.
There's no way to follow that without seeming churlish, but I'm going to anyway. It's really difficult for any child to lose their teacher partway through the year. Add several other factors: large, difficult class; last year at that school (as in, many transition meetings for staff between the elementary & middle schools); and less than a month before the end of the year & report cards; and autism? I have no idea how the school plans to compensate for these things, and I know things will fall through the cracks. One small saving grace is that the school was prepared enough to have a substitute already hired & ready to finish the school year (last time, when Connor was in her class, it took nearly 6 weeks to find a permanent substitute.)
Add to all these things the fact that the grade 6 class had some pretty in-depth lessons about procreation this year? Boy howdy, have I been getting interesting questions. Parenting is not for wimps!


  1. These are BEAUTIFUL!!!
    Have a great week, hugs, Karin

  2. You are a busy chickie:) These are wonderful...big fan of blooms:)

  3. Such sweet flowers today!

    Bummer about Riley's teacher but I'm glad that they planned ahead. This happened to one of my boys, and it was not pretty. It was hard on the kids and the not-so-prepared replacement!

  4. Beautiful flower designs Jessi! Sorry I was no help in naming your posts... but I struggle with my own and the added pressure would be too much to bear!

  5. I agree--parenting is INDEED not for wimps!! Kinda wish I'd known before I signed on ;). But then maybe I wouldn't have signed on, and man, would I be missing out. Right?? Yes, RIGHT!

    LOVE these beautiful flowers from your stash, and your sanded embossed cardstock on that first one ROCKS!!

  6. These are just delightful! Love the pretty blooms! :)

  7. Pretty flowers! Sorry I'm no help with naming posts. If my card is for a challenge, I just use the challenge name for the title. So boring! :) ann

  8. Love that embossing on the first card. The green is such a rich color. Great cutting skills on the second card. Awesome work lady.

  9. Okay, using that already-has-a-circle-punched-out-of-it card is GENIUS! And you soooo sound like me with that second card, though I'd toss the flower into the trash. ;/

    Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash!

    PS: My printed digis don't schmear at all. I wonder if it's your paper.

  10. Both cards are gorgeous Jessi, love how you manage to use up/recycle your older stash!!!
    Our kiddos suffer most with staff changes, even in the special school that James goes to they change the staff around too frequently if you ask me.....that's means 2/3 mths wasted while he gets used to the new routine etc!!
    Can't be helped with maternity leave I suppose :0(
    Jenny x

  11. Gorgeous cards!!! My printer hates digis too!!!

    Oh I went through the same thing this year with my sons teacher and she had the baby 3 weeks early! So she took 10 weeks off. Ugh. It's been unreal! Poor administration support! We can email about this!! :-)

    Love your cards lady

  12. Change is a difficult thing, I sure hope it goes smoothly.

    I adore your stash cards!!! In the end the digi still works for me.

    I missed your post naming request. I am the WORST at it. So I just date them and move on. I am not creative like that.

  13. love those florals. great designs girlie!

  14. You could have called this post Stash Superstars! In future though maybe you should just give the posts people names. Like Fred. Or Malcolm...

    Bummer about Riley's teacher. It really couldn't have come at a worse time huh? Hope the sub is decent and that the changes are not too stressful for the little dude!

    So glad Atti and Jem don't ask me sex questions. Although at least Connor and Riley don't occasionally try to hump people's legs or lick their bits when guests are around!


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