
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

The current challenge at Papercraft Star is Easter - perfect for me to share a couple more cards with you :) The boys were up at the usual time (only because of being told that they couldn't get up before 7 AM...) and helped each other through the candy egg hunt. It was adorable to listen to the two of them chatting & pointing out where the other one could find more candy...they may be 14 and almost 13, but these are the things we missed out on when they were small.

Anyhow, a few Easter cards:

Supplies: pre-coloured digi lily from Doodle Pantry; Sakura Stardust glitter pen; Inkadinkado sentiment; Palette Noir ink; paper from MME; classic small circle Nesties

I've printed out 2 copies of the flower, and fussy-cut and layered the second flower with thin foam tape for some dimension, and added some glitter by tracing lines with the pen & smudging with my finger.

I'll be back VERY shortly with a couple more challenge cards for challenges ending today!


  1. stunning. what a beautiful card Jess. my great-grandmother would tear up on sight of this one...she loved lilies so much :)

  2. So beautiful Jessi, the added glitter and popped up flower are perfect!

  3. You have been very busy my friend! Love this card! Wow!

  4. This is beautiful ... so very elegant! Many thanks for playing at Papercraft Star!!

  5. Gorgeous! That dotted paper goes so perfectly with the flower and I love the touches of glitter!

  6. Beautiful card! I love the added detail to the flower, and that color is so vibrant! Thank you for joining us this week over at the Papercraft Star.


  7. Very pretty! The bit of sparkle is perfect. (You are SO disciplined about entering challenges! :D)


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