
Sunday, March 31, 2013

PS Sparks - Buttons!

As soon as I saw the inspiration picture for this week's Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge, I knew I had to play. It took me the whole week to figure out what I wanted to make, though, and then it sort of got away from me. Here's the inspiration pic:

So, buttons. Obviously I had to play.

I was inspired by the canvas, the colours (pink, blue, white), the stacked buttons, the buttons (did I mention them?), and the floral shapes. 

Supplies: Paper Smooches sentiment; Grey Flannel Memento ink; Bo Bunny woodgrain paper; canvas; Making Memories flower brads; misc. pink brads; BUTTONS from stash

I actually found it a bit more difficult sewing buttons on to the canvas than I do sewing them on to paper - piercing holes don't WORK on canvas, darn it. There was some finger stabbing involved. I worked on the canvas layer before attaching it to the paper - and since I was worried about glue oozing through & the strength of tape for holding up the umpteen buttons, I used some hoarded floral brads to attach the canvas to the paper. The darker pink brads were in the same spot, and I liked throwing in a bit more of that rose tone, so they came out to play too. Then I attached the paper to the card base using my go-to Zip Dry - and it was perfect.

The Memento ink stamped really nicely onto the canvas - I love the texture:

The PS SPARKS challenge is open for another 10 hours or so - plenty of time to get crafty :)


  1. It's easy for me to say that the finger stabbing was worth it since the end result is so freakin' fabulous. It's pretty. Hope your fingers are ok :)

  2. Sorry about your fingers! The card is amazing! Great work.

  3. Well worth the's amazing.

  4. Uber fun take on the Spark, your 'stacked' buttons are fabulous!

  5. The end result was worth the finger stabbing! Gorgeous card Jessi!

  6. How fun! Love the buttons all over that canvas panel. Thanks for joining us for the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge.

  7. Whoop whoop on your shout out at PS Sparks! Personally I think it should have been a win...
    Love all the buttons and genius idea using the brads to attach the canvas!

  8. Great take on the challenge -- and congrats on your shout-out! So smart to use grey, not black, for the sentiment.

  9. YOu did a great job on this challenge, Jessi! Love all the different shapes and colours of all the buttons!

    This is a winner to me!

  10. WOOOOOOOOOWZA! This is an amazing card-- fab use of buttons and fabric!! THANKS so much for joining in the fun and playing along with us over at the Paper Smooches SPARKS challenge!!

  11. I'm really late to comment here but I saw you got noticed at Paper Smooches for this fab card and wanted to say how cool it is too :0)
    Jenny x


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