
Friday, July 11, 2014

Reminder post for Jingle Belles + Shopping our Stash!

A recap - the Jingle Belles & Shopping our Stash teams have a joint challenge going on right now, to create a Christmas card using supplies that are at least one year old! Link up with both challenges for a chance to win :)

I was super late getting my card made due to this evil, evil flu. All four of us have it now, and as Riley said yesterday morning, "I think I'm going to die. Or get a coma." It's a doozy. I woke up with pinkeye to go with earlier in the week, so I must say eye ointment doesn't really help with the creative process. Anyway, each day is a little bit better - a very little bit - Rob is on day 14 now and still can't hear. 

Supplies: PTI stamps; patterned paper from MME; Memento Tuxedo Black ink; Peeled Paint distress ink; Pearl Glimmer Mist; classic small oval nesties

By now you know I can't throw away paper, no matter how teensy. So I made a patchworky background out of the remnants of this paper pad. After I stamped & coloured the candy canes, I decided it needed "something", so I spritzed it with Pearl mist, and then immediately dried it with my heat gun so that the sentiment ink wouldn't run. (Water soluble ink + um, WATER, dummy. I blame the flu.)

All the supplies are approximately 2 years old - the stamps were a gift from Barb, the inks have lived on my desk forever, and the paper pad I remember buying in the fall of 2012. The Pearl mist I bought while I was on the DT for Scrapbooker's it's definitely in the 2 year range as well. 

Make sure you check out our reminder cards - 

me :)

and link up by Wednesday July 16th :)


  1. oh poor fogans family! the evil flu... and in SUMMER it's soooo much worse to be sick! i most certainly hope you will NOT die or get a coma (!!!) missus, and be all well again soon!

    ps: AWESOME holiday card, the patchwork effect really MAKES it! <3

  2. OMGoodness! Jessi, y'all take care of yourself up there. I know you probably really DO feel like "getting a coma" too! LOL! Hope you feel better soon.
    FUN and cute card for the holidays! Love all the different patterned papers!

  3. Hopin' you are on the road to recovery there lady!
    Totes lovin' this card...what a GREAT way to use scraps!!

  4. Hope the evil flu will go away soon, Jessi! Love all the mix of scraps for this card!

  5. Sorry your entire family is bummed out with the flu :( I hope you all start feeling better soon!
    Great Christmas card, and I just love all the shimmer!

  6. Love the idea of 'patchworking' paper pieces for the background, you are a genius Jessi!

  7. Great card, awesome use of the paper scraps, hoope you feel better soon

  8. aww hope you all feel better.. not fun being sick.. adorable card.. love those candy canes..

  9. Dear Fogans, WTH?! I would have been at the Dr demanding meds by the end of the first week. 14 days is NUTS! How is anyone supposed to get better if one of you is always sick?!?!?!

    Oh, and THANKS for being a trouper and leaving your death bed to make a fabulous card for today's reminder post. :D

    Feel better, ALL OF YOU, I command it!

  10. That seems like an unusually long time for the flu to stay around! Hoping your clan feels better soon!

    As for your card, awesome as always! Great use of all the itty bitty scraps!

  11. Beautiful, creative card, Jessi! Love the glitter!

  12. I think Rob managed to find the worst flu ever to bring home to his family. :( And yet you still make this great card! Did you really manage to use up an entire paper pad? Wow. ;)

  13. Great mix of patterns and I love that sparkle!

  14. You crack me up with your patchwork of papers. Hey, at least you do more than save them--you use them. This is a nice Christmas card. The flu things... not so nice. Hope you all are better now.


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