
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Shopping our Stash #197 - Lost & Found!

This week at Shopping our Stash we want to see you use something "lost & found" - either something you actually misplaced (oh like it doesn't happen at your desk!) or something you've rediscovered that you forgot you had. Make sure to tell us what it is! 
With all my crafty space restructuring I could have used about a kajillion items for this - but of course I re-sorted them and now don't quite know where everything is again. However, while sorting through my stickers, I found this lovely fairy image from a decoupage sheet I purchased on eBay years ago. Score!

Supplies: fairy decoupage sheet; doily; patterned paper from MME; sentiment stamp from Flourishes; Stormy Sky distress ink; Martha Stewart butterfly punch; vellum; pearls

Having the sentiment tab wasn't my original plan, but the sentiment stamped directly onto the plaid just didn't stand out enough. 

So what have my teammates lost & found? Check out the SOS crew: 

And you have until Monday,April 20th to come play!


  1. Wow, did you color that piece? I's perfect with the plaid paper. And the tab is totally perfect.

  2. Ohhhhh love that fairy!! And the doily! And the butterflies!! And the pretty pearls!!! Yeah...I just love it!!

  3. Beautiful card, gorgeous fairy and the sentiment pops now. Gorgeous job.

  4. I am addicted to doilies and butterflies. So this is perfect to me. But then you add in a fairie and it is absolutely fabulous.

  5. This is so soft and pretty, Jessi! I love your fairy clip! Adding the doily was a nice touch and the plaid paper does provide a nice contrast.

  6. Such a soft and pretty card Jessi!! Love that image and plaid paper!! :)

  7. That fairy clip is adorable, and check you out, matching the colors in it with that plaid paper! Go you! The vellum butterflies are the perfect touch!

  8. i heartily concur with m'olleagues, this is one GORGEOUS card in all respects: fairy, butterflies, all adds up to perfection! <3

  9. I remember these sweet images, what a beautiful design Jessi!

  10. This is such a pretty card with that lovely image and pretty plaid paper! I love the doily too! Everything I have in my craft room is either lost or found - it's the only way I know how to create! (and some days I actually believe that I'm an organized person!) LOL

  11. Beautiful! The pearled butterflies are the perfect touch. And let's just pretend the sentiment tab was planned all along. ;)

  12. The doily gives a feminine touch on the lovely plaid that matches so well with the image.

  13. that's a card after my own heart. Love your fairy deco perfect color picks and assembly!!

  14. That pp sure matched the sticker--lovely card, Jessi!

  15. Sweet card!! I LOVE the image and doily and flowers!!


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