
Monday, July 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Sweets!

In my marathon of posts yesterday I forgot one! I've got this cute little cupcake from Neat & Tangled for the Cupcake prompt at CASology:

Supplies: stamps all from Neat & Tangled; Sizzix embossing folder; Memento Tuxedo Black ink; Spectrum Noir markers; Distress inks in Squeezed Lemonade, Mowed Lawn, Festive Berries, Peacock Feathers; Mod Podge Dimensional Magic

That cherry REALLY wanted to be shiny!



  1. So cute Jessi, loving the lemon!

  2. This looks very sweet indeed! Love your swirl embossed background, and that shiny, sweet cherry on top is the perfect addition to this luscious lemon cupcake! Thanks so much for joining in the cupcake fun at CASology this week!

  3. Oh so very cute! Glad you didn't forget and leave this card off the blog. ;)


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