
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tuesday Morning Sketches #310 - SLS Lines!

Good morning! This week at Tuesday Morning Sketches we have SLS Lines as our awesome sponsor - so many fun & funky images in her shop! I had to choose Hipster to play with - being near a university town it's just too tempting to poke a little fun :)

Supplies: Hipster digi from SLS Lines; Spectrum Noir markers; computer-generated sentiment; unknown washi, card stock, and wood veneer

You'll notice his glasses are NOT shiny - because they have no glass in them, I decided. Faux frames. lol!

Debbie is our sketch artist this week - love the simplicity!

This challenge will be open until next Sunday, July 26 - hop on over & see what the rest of the team has made! 




  1. Ok. This guy is now on my shopping wish list. And your sentiment? I might have to steal that! HAHA. I couldn't stop giggling.

  2. Too fun Jessi, and I love these fabulous colours. Have a great week.

  3. I thought this card was hilarious before it was cool to laugh at your funny cards.

  4. Fun card Jessi! Love the color combo and fun sentiment!

  5. I had to LOL - I knew a guy that wore glasses as an accessory instead of sight correction. I love the card - great job!


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