Oh 2015, the memories! I'd usually include my favourite books of the year, but I fell off the wagon of record-keeping my reading. And I'd recap all the personal stuff, but I have a swiss-cheese brain and I'd forget so many things that I'd keep editing this post for the next six months. I will include one personal adventure - and I don't remember if I shared it with you before or not, so bear with me.
I did not pay as much attention to my health as I should have. I trusted my doctor to accurately read lab reports, and to look out for my best interests. I have diabetes (and high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and allergies & asthma, and bipolar disorder) and take about 30+ pills per day, including supplements to try and offset some of the side effects. For years I've mentioned my utter exhaustion (at some points sleeping 16 hours a day) and got a shrug in return. The week after Thanksgiving I felt just wrong altogether - in bed, unable to summon energy for anything - and although I wasn't eating, my sugar was skyrocketing. I finally developed
ketoacidosis. My sugars had been hovering around 20 for days, and as I've since learned, it affects your brain. Friends urged me to go to the hospital, and I said naaaah I'm fine.
I developed severe abdominal pain and vomiting, and sent my husband to work - naaah I'm fine, I'll just lay down. Chatting with two friends on FB saved my life - their knowledge of diabetes was more than mine, and they wanted me to call an ambulance or they'd do it for me. I called my husband, who turned around and came home, and when I was instantly admitted to the ER my sugars were 22. The next step would have been a coma - and home alone for the next 8 hours, it may have been too late for me.
I found out all sorts of things when I went to the diabetic clinic - which my doctor had refused to send me to - I was diabetic 3 years before I was told. That's available in my blood work - which is in my file. My lack of family history (and having gestational diabetes at 22), multiple other factors suggest that I may have type 1 diabetes that has been missed for nearly 20 years. My sugar has never been under control - and I've been taking a variety of oral medications for 5 years.
My takeaway from all this? SEE the labwork. Be active in your own care. Ask questions & demand answers. I would never have accepted this if it had been my childrens' health at stake - and I will no longer accept it for myself.
All that said, I picked out some fun cards from last year - because that lesson aside, that's really what you're here for after all!
Original post here
I know I keep picking my DT cards from Shopping our Stash - but we had so many awesome challenges that helped me grow creatively!
*phew* Blogger was not being my friend there - here's hoping it publishes!
Wishing you all a fabulous 2016 - and I can't wait to catch up with all my crafty buddies :)