Monday, November 7, 2011

Good Solid Advice for a Monday

Supplies: Papers from Bo Bunny 'Blitzen;'
stamps from Inkadinkado; Memento Tuxedo Black ink;
buttons from Basic Grey & stash;
standard oval Nesties
When I ordered this stamp way back in September, I knew I'd love it. The puppy is adorable, but really, how can you go wrong with this advice? It's my kind of Christmas greeting.

Oddly appropriate for today, since Sophie the cat has decided to mark everything...including poor Connor's binder & bookbag, which I failed to notice until he got off the bus this afternoon. Here's hoping the washer takes care of it, and that Sophie stays well away from me for the near future.

Last week we had some visitors to the backyard, and for the first time I looked out the window and thought "Hey! I should get some pictures for the blog!" Does that mean I'm a "real" blogger now? lol

 We often see quail in the neighbourhood early in the morning, but this is the first time I've actually seen them in our backyard. I'm sure they visit, and I just don't happen to be looking out the kitchen window. If you aren't familiar with quail, imagine a clumsy bird that's slightly less intelligent than a domesticated turkey.

ETA: I swear, around here everyone calls them quail. I swear. However, I went & looked, and duh, they are totally pheasants. (hangs head in shame)

Thank goodness tomorrow won't be Monday any more!



Karin Åkesdotter said...

Solid advice for every day I guess (-:
Your card is super sweet! LOVE it - NO wonder you're in love with that stamp - I would use it all the time if I had it!!! (-: !

Jenny said...

Hi Jessi, Thanks for your comment on the blog hop...yep we are blessed with seeing life through Autism too with all it's laughs and frustrations too, does feel like the trenches!!
Funny how a lot of us take to crafting for a retreat ;)
Cute card and sound advice for sure.
Love the picture, we call them pheasants over here and they come in our garden too :)
Jenny x

Jingle said...

Your card is super cute and boy is that Quail pretty!!!!

Jen W. said...

I so want those stamps! That pup is beyond adorable and the sentiment is brilliant!

What the heck is up with Sophie? Maybe she's annoyed at the pheasants invading her turf...

Emily Keaton said...

Jessi, that puppy is SO, SO adorable! And oh, gosh, that sentiment is hilarious. Fantastic Christmas card!! It certainly put a smile on my face this evening. :)

LOVED the photo of your gorgeous visitor!! We get wild turkeys walking through our yard here. They aren't nearly as pretty as your birdies. :) Fun to see!!

I hope your week gets better--Sophie's misadventures sounded like no fun. If you find yourself in need of a Calgon moment, you can always look out the kitchen window and you may be rewarded!!!

Hang in there, Jessi!

Anonymous said...

Another adorable card! Love that little pup, he's such a fun image for a christmas card!
I always thought quail were small... I've so much to learn...

Theresa said...

Love the advice. I had to work hard to keep the kids from eating the snow here in Denver!! Totally cute cute card.

Emily Leiphart said...

I had no idea that quails were so beautiful! They almost look like peacocks. That is one adorable card! All I can think of are cold puppy paws and that cute little bottom. LOL

lisa arana said...

super cutie card!!!