Sunday, April 28, 2013

Papercraft Star #142 - Tea for Mom!

The photo inspiration challenge this week at Papercraft Star is a perfect one for creating a Mother's Day card:
 As I've said before, I don't print out inspiration photos. I write down what I find immediately inspiring about the photo - usually colours and the actual items in the photo, and sometimes will sketch a layout. Here's what I wrote for this one: neutral colours (beige, cream, white); flowers; tea; text patterns.

And here's what I created - I love how it turned out!

Supplies: papers from My Mind's Eye; Wilton doily; tea cup from Waltzingmouse Stamps (from Barb - as is the kraft banner!); Gina K. Designs sentiment; classic small circle Nesties; vintage button from stash; Memento Tuxedo Black ink; and the last of those oval-shaped flatback pearls! 

The tea cup and milky tea are paper-pieced - I stamped it first on the text paper, then glued down the tea....and then had to be really careful to get the 'back' of the tea cup in place. I guess it's been a little too long since I paper-pieced ;)


Karen P said...

Hi Jessi, thank you so very much hun - not many peeps understand. The meds are awful but I really don't want to end up as bad as both my nans are. Which is why I put up with it for so long.
Now though we ave to try something different because the drepression is becoming as awful as the RA and fibromyalgia. Feeeling constantly sick with serious heartburn 24/7 is no life.
I've just learnt to inject myself and for someone who is terrified of needles a big jump lol!
I hope your OH doesn't suffer too much - if you ever need someone to listen drop by my blog again and we'll connect with email details.
Beautiful card, love how you've used just whites and creams yet it is still stunning and each element pops - can't seem to do that myself hugs Karen

Ros Crawford said...

Such a gorgeous card! Perfect take on the challenge ... Thank you so much for playing at Papercraft Star!

Annette Allen said...

what a sweet card.. I love that tie cup and how you colored the inside.. to pretty

jimlynn said...

I was going to say "tea for two" - but it's tea for one and just gorgeous!!! I do love the paper piecing on this. So lovely!

~amy~ said...

Super love:)

Lisa Arana said...

perfectly sweet.

~Tammy~ said...

Oh my girl! This is super gorgeous! Perfect take on the inspiration pic!

Greta said...

Just stunning, Jessi! I love those pearls--still have mine from years ago--can't bear to part with them--LOL!

Jenny said...

That's a great way to tackle inspiration photos, thanks for the tip! I love the neutral feel coming through on your card.... A proper English afternoon tea :0)

Jen W. said...

Cool idea for dealing with inspirations photos. That would help to keep me from getting so hung up on all the little details. Your card is gorgeous and I love the touch of pink at the edge like the pink flower on the tablecloth!

Lindsey said...

I am also liking the way you approach inspirational pics. It certainly worked with this card -- it is drop-dead gorgeous!

walchowDesign said...

Lovely feminine card, Jessi! Love the cup on the doily and the randomly placed pearls!

Angela said...

Beautifully done...those are some really cool oval pearls...have never seen those before!

Unknown said...

i love how it turned out too! the oblong pearls are the perfect touch...unique and so beautiful!