As you can see by my sidebar, I've linked up to another party of year-end favourites - this time over at Karin with an "i" for Paper! (Thanks Meg for the heads up!) I've also linked up with Stephanie at Ingenious Inkling - go & check out what everyone's sharingh! I love seeing what other people pick as their favourites from their own work.
I fell in love with this card when I made it, and as I wrote when I blogged about it, sometimes the idea just translates so perfectly into paper that it delights me. This is one of those times!
Original post here, with supplies Look at the stitching! {love it} |
Now, if you like mysteries or detective novels, and laughing, and you haven't read the Spellman Files series by Lisa Lutz, go do that first. Footnotes? In a mystery novel? Hell yes. This coauthored book is nearly as funny for the notes between the writers as it is for the story itself. Have you ever been a part of one of those get-to-know you sessions where each person builds off a sentence from the person before? Yep. But funnier.
I love mysteries, and forensics, and strong female investigators, and this series combines all three with a thriller aspect that had me devouring all three books within days of one another. I could not put them down!
June saw 23 books read - many of them what I call 'throw-away' books, ones that take only a day or so to read and not even that long to forget. I read for entertainment, and I read very quickly! I also read everywhere I go, and I'm comfortable picking up a book even when I only have a minute or two.