Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Five Favourite Christmas Cards

If you don't already, you should follow Stephanie Severin's blog, Ingenious Inkling. I love checking out her creations - and her travels - and her Thursday Link Love posts have led me to discover some amazing things on the web. Right now she's hosting a link-up for us to share our own favourite Christmas creations of 2011, so I had to jump in & share mine (in the middle of my other favourites list, lol).

original post here, complete with supplies list
This is possibly my favourite new stamp this year.

original post here
I love the bright colours in the paper, and the fun flock bellies & glossy lights, beaks, and feet
give this card lots of fun dimension

original post here
Besides the time involved in sewing all the buttons, I just love the final
effect of all the different sheens!

original post here
Glitter? Fuzz? Mistake turned into happy effect? Check.

original post here
I love quilling, and this was my favourite snowflake this year.
So delve into your archives, think about your favourites from this year, and go to Ingenious Inkling and link up so the rest of us can see too!



SmilynStef said...

Sewing the buttons ... oh my word ... how fantastic is that card ... love them all.

Theresa said...

Holy WOW!!! What a great display of cards. I totally love the buttons - I wouldn't have the patients, I'd glue. The quilling star is just gorgeous. All of your cards are fabulous.

Emily Keaton said...

These are so much fun, Jessi! I loved them the first time around, but I'm still noticing details for the first time--like the great Christmas light embellies on your penguin card and the superb glitteriness (somehow Blogger thinks that's *not* a word. I beg to differ!!) of the Kissy Kissy reindeer card. :D

Anonymous said...

Out of the 'masses' of Xmas cards you created this year it would have been very difficult just to choose a few...
But I do agree, these are fabulous! My fave is the 'yellow snow'!

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lisa arana said...

lovely choices. it is hard to pick your own faves.

Valarie (vampme3) said...

Love the penguins and the button tree!