Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Shopping our Stash #95 - Very Vegetable Fruity Fun!

(you really should. You know you wanna!)

So, it turns out that this week's Shopping our Stash challenge was a real challenge for me! I know I own more than one pear stamp, but could I find either of them? Nope. Apples? I know I have one, but nope. What exactly I've done with all my fruit stamps, I couldn't tell you. They aren't in my crafting corner, though. So, I went digging through old embellishments, and I found this GORGEOUS set of rub-ons that I've had forever and a day or twelve. They were produced by Tulip, with illustrations from PSX. (Yep, that's how old they are. PSX has been gone for about 10 years!)

Supplies: lemons rub-on from Tulip/PSX; Grey Flannel Memento ink; sentiment from Lawn Fawn

I had to let that gorgeous image take centre stage - I trimmed it down to show just a smidge of the green base, and ran the edges of the panel over the Grey Flannel ink pad to help them stand out a bit more. Then I stared at it for a while to decide what kind of sentiment to put. 

So, you wanna play with your fruits & veggies? This Shopping our Stash challenge is open until Monday April 1st (and that's no joke...nyuk nyuk nyuk!) Don't forget to visit my teamies!   

...and now off to reschedule dentist appointments. I'm pretty sure they don't want my stomach-flu infested self in their office. *urp* Almost as much as I don't want to envision anyone with their hands in my mouth today....ooh, and one more thing: my puppy Abby turns 2 today! She's my constant companion & the sweetest shadow anyone could ever have :) 

The day she came home - about 4 months old. 

My very favourite picture ever!

Happy birthday, Abby :) 


Emily Keaton said...

I LOVE lemons--those look luscious!! Happy Birthday to Abby!!

JJ Bolton said...

Wow, gorgeous lemons (don't hear that every day, do ya;) The way you perfectly framed them is beautiful!

And happy birthday to Abby! She's a special girl:)

Angela said...

Lovely lemons, Jessi! Happy birthday to Abby! (Our dog, Paisley, has her 1st birthday later this week.)

Karen P said...

Hi Jessi, just wanted to pop over and say thank you for the lovely comment you let on my SOS entry last week - I really appreciate it so thank you very much!
Somewhere or other, and I think I'm going to have to have a hunt I've got some Anna Griffin pineapple die cuts that I had no clue what to do with - thanks to SOS another old item will be used up! Gorgeous card and these rub ons are stunning. Very cute dog too! Mine is snuggled up on my lap today cos it's chilly here - dogs are really the most wonderful companions Karen x

fairyrocks said...

Lemons always feel like a breath of fresh air. Get better soon. Sweet puppy.

walchowDesign said...

Beautiful lemons card, Jessi!

Aww... Abby is so adorable!

Theresa said...

Hi Jessi - love your card. Those lemons look yummy. Your dog is so adorable. I wish I could have one.

jimlynn said...

WOW! Jessi, this card is awesome. SO pretty! Love those rub-ons!
Abby is precious! So cute - Happy Birthday!

Marie said...

When life hands you lemons....wow great way to use that fruit. CAS cards are becoming a favorite of mine.

lostinpaper said...

Lemons are a great choice, pears are probably overrated anyway lol.

Lindsey said...

Those are amazing rub-ons! Gorgeous card. Happy bday to Abby!

~Tammy~ said...

Happy Birthday Abby! Such a sweetie!

Oh, I love this beautiful lemony card! Love the green matting too! Perfect choice for this challenge. I am going through slight crafty withdrawals, but enjoying the break at the same time! Just had to pop in on my peep and say Hello!

yyam said...

Well...that is one lovely rub-on! I don't have any fruit stamps.

Happy birthday Abby!

Greta said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Jessi. This image is gorgeous--never saw such a beautiful rub-on--I do miss PSX. Love that you kept it simple to showcase the pears. Your 4-legged shadow is so cute--I just want to reach out & snuggle that face--Happy Birthday Abby!

Chris Dring said...

Holy crow Jessi! Your card is fabulous! And what a sweet sweet little girl Abby is!

Wendy ten Hove said...

Oh, how super sweet! Those pics from Abby!! Love them!! And your card is fruitily beautifully! :D Very nice! Hope you will be feeling better again soon!! All the best!!
hugs, Wendy

FiestyCrafter (Tina) said...

These lemons are gorgeous!! Look good enough for lemonade.
I'm your newest follower (I thought I was already, guess not).

Cheryl said...

Wow! That rub on is beautiful! I didn't even know anything like that ever existed. And, the sentiment you chose looks perfect. Happy Birthday to Abby! My dog, Ozzy had his 13th birthday on Sunday. He's snoozing at my feet as I type. Don't you just love little doggies!

Peanut said...

Happy Birthday, Abby! The years roll by too fast. I remember the day our first fur-ball arrived 13 years ago. Now he's a cranky old man...but always my baby!
xxx Asha
Sunny Summer Crafts

Peanut said...

Happy Birthday, Abby! The years roll by too fast. I remember the day our first fur-ball arrived 13 years ago. Now he's a cranky old man...but always my baby!
xxx Asha
Sunny Summer Crafts

Jenny said...

Love how you've framed those lemons, what amazing artwork those rub ons are!!!
Awww happy birthday Abby , here's to many more :0)
Jenny x

Leslie Hanna said...

phew. i thought you colored those lemons and i was going to need some superlatives. :) awesome rub-on!

Jen W. said...

That is some serious stash shopping! 10 years? Nice! And Abby is really just the cutest thing ever!